1126 [1-12-6]

Small and light, but with impressive lows and a clear mid range, the 1126 offers a tone few other cabinets do, and many bass players using the 1126 have finally found "their" tone. The great dispersion from the 6" speaker doesn't require tilting the cabinet to get clear mids up at ear level, and also spreads mid range clarity evenly across a stage, making more of the bass tone reach the audience and fellow musicians. Even though the 1126 has more mid range than most tweeterless cabinets, it can easily be altered through EQ to give a more "vintage" tone.

Specifications ( Specifications explained):

Impedance: 8 Ω
Power handling (high average power test signal): 450 W RMS
Recommended amplifier power: 250-600W RMS @ 8 Ω
Sensitivity[average]: 94 dB SPL @ 1 W/1 m
Sensitivity[100Hz]: 94 dB SPL @ 1 W/1 m
Sensitivity[max]: 97 dB SPL @ 1,5 kHz, 1 W/1 m
Frequency response (-10db): 33 Hz - 9,2 kHz
Displacement: 496 cm³
Measurements (WxHxD): 52x45x44 cm
Weight: 15 kg

6900 SEK

Optional extras:
Tweeter (with attenuator): 750 SEK
V-frame: 500 SEK
"In stock" vinyl (other than black): 250 SEK
Special order vinyl: 600 SEK
Padded speaker cover: 500 SEK
Speaker cable: 100-180 SEK depending on connector type (see link)

Sound samples( more sound samples here):
Without tweeter
With tweeter (no attenuation)