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Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan (DIBP) Harrasment Case - Filed by Female Branch Manager

  A woman bank manager has filed an application to the Federal Ombudsperson for Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplaces that her superior had allegedly harassed her.  The applicant claimed that a regional head for the Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) had allegedly, repeatedly harassed her at their workplace. She added that the bank’s management failed to take any action nor did they make conduct an inquiry despite her complaints. Instead, she claimed that she had been suspended from in contravention to the Anti-Harassment Act of 2010. Sources have disclosed that the woman has submitted a thread of text messages as evidence to substantiate her claim along with an application. She has included the names of the SME branch chief in Karachi along with DIB Internal Audit Head Najeeb Gillani as respondents in the case. The bank administration has been summoned by the federal ombudsperson on February 19.    Top Stories: Chaudri Pervaiz Elahi Condemn the Punjab Government on

Pakistan Banking Association(PBA) Protest on Bank Timing, Proposal Submitted to SBP

Presently Pakistan Banking Associating (PBA) has taken initiative against late sitting and customer timing being faced by Banking sector in Pakistan, share a proposal with State Bank of Pakistan to reduce the Customer Timing and Business hours of the banks. Agenda PointsCurrently customer timing (9:00 AM to 5:30 PM) of all banks in Pakistan without any break and Friday timing (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM) with approximately half an hour or 2 hours Juma break Mr. Agha Hassan Abidi and BCCI History Employees are available round the clock for resolution of ATM related issues without allowance (some of banks are paying nominal amount). Bank staff has been disturbed due to high business targets and non-scheduled office timing, even staff have to come office on Saturday (Where branches are off) for warping pendency work or preparation of internal / external audit. Within 10 years people will forget PayPal Bank staff are unable to manage their personal life due to late sitting an

Story of Agha Hasan Abedi & BCCI

Agha Hasan Abedi: the man who dared to dream BIG! Agha Hasan Abedi was one of the finest minds this country has ever produced. He was an exemplary patriot and a legendary banker. In the mess that exists today, the youth of Pakistan desperately needs inspiring personalities to look up to. I cannot think of a better person to quote. He proved that politics is not the only form of service to the nation. He suffered through various scandals towards the end of his life, but no one can deny his contributions towards building a stronger Pakistan. It is a shame we let our youth forget a man like Agha Hasan Abedi.   Thousands graduate every year from FAST National University and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute. Only a handful of those proud degree holders know who laid the foundations of these prestigious institutes. It was one man’s vision that delivered tremendously to Pakistan’s development. *A true patriot: Agha started his banking career at Habib Bank in the late 1940s

Wow App- alternative of What's App with benefits of Earnings

WowApp is the alternative of what's app, benefits of using WowApp is the sharing of earning which didn't share by What's App. But WowApp share it earnings with users. Earn WowCoins from chatting, reading news, making free calls, video calls, sharing files and much more. For joining you need to be a sponsor who is using this app. Like Top Stories: Wake up call to IMO & Maritime industry Approver of Mr. Zardari's money laundering will invest in a Pakistani Bank Clearing Cheques are no more headache  Pakistan Banking Association Protest on banking timings Female Branch Manager Harassed by her superior Bosses!! Bank Islami Customers lose over 6 Million SBP increased the limits of foreign remittances up to 5 times. Agha Hasan Abidi a legendary Banker. SBP Penalized banks up to Rs 184 Millions. Suroor Group trying to save Summit Bank. Court Grants 4 Days Physical remands of Ex- CEO Summit Bank Viral Stories:

BankIslami Customers Lose Over $ 6 Million

BankIslami Customers Lose Over $6 Million in Biggest Security Breach in Pakistan’s History. on October 27 when customers of the bank received automated messages about their payment cards being used in different countries. The bank denied that any data theft took place.   BankIslami’s executive Fahad Tariq initially dismissed the claims and denied that any breach happened at the bank’s data center. He refused to give any official version regarding this security breach. However, late on Sunday night, an alert for all banks was issued by the State Bank of Pakistan. A Bank Islami account holder, speaking under the condition of anonymity, has confirmed that he received a message notifying him of his card usage at an ATM in Russia. “A message notified me that somebody used my card somewhere in Russia,  I immediately approached the bank’s helpline but the official simply did not believe my words and blamed me for the leak of particulars saying that I might have shared m

Pakistan will be next Palestine!!

This is something we are ignoring immensely stuck in our short term perception and gains of life. This is NOT a joke. Really. Things are going bad and going really fast I must say. Raise your voice, don't let it be another Palestine. An important Message for #Pakistanis All People of Pakistan should stand up for passing a law that "Foreigners Cannot Buy Land in Pakistan and Start Business without Local Pakistani Sponsorship". If, we don't stand now then #Chinese will buy all land of Pakistan (They have money to buy) and one day our coming generations will be standing like #Palestinians to get their land back... Pass this to as many people you can to make this voice heard to make the required Laws... Also they cannot start their business in Pakistan without keeping 55% share holder to LOCAL Pakistani along with yearly money just like gulf states, UAE, KSA etc and China mainland itself is doing for the betterment of their state and citizens. Pray


Dubai Islamic Bank offering personal Loan facility up to Rs. 2 Million for salaried person Dubai Islamic bank is the first Islamic bank in Pakistan to offer a shari'a compliant " Personal Fiance" facility based on the Islamic Finance Features: 100 % Shari'a Compliant Affordable and competitive equal monthly installments. Hassle free and fast processing of your application form. Only Salaried persons can avail this facility. Say Hello! Askari Nayab Plan Eligibility: Age= 25 to 65 years Salaried Person( Salary must be credit in bank account). Minimum Salary should be Rs. 35,000/- Documents Required for Processing are: CNIC Copy Two recent Passport Size Photographs 3 Payslips Job Proof( Job Card, Visiting Card) One year bank statement Account maintaining certificate For

Home Finance on easy installments with 100 % Approval

you can buy, build or renovate your home,  and let us bring your dreams to life with the most convenient terms and simplest process! Buy Your Home! Step 1: Find your dream Ghar. Step 2: Apply for Home Purchase Loan, from as low as Rs. 500,000 to as high as Rs. 100 million. Step 3: Choose from financing tenure of between 1 and 20 years. Step 4: Let us take care of the rest. Build Your Home! Step 1: Find the right plot for your dream Ghar. Step 2: Apply for  home Construction Loan, from as low as Rs. 500,000 to as high as Rs. 100 million (for pre-owned plot, maximum loan limit of Rs. 50 million). Step 3: Choose from financing tenure of between 1 and 20 years. Step 4: Let us help construct your visions into reality. Renovating your Home! Step 1: Plan out the makeover your home. Step 2: Apply for home Renovation Loan, from as low as Rs. 500,000 to as high as Rs. 10 million. Step 3: Choose from financing tenure of between 1 and 10 years. Step 4: Breathe

What is Tax Rebate? Its Calculation, Reasons , Documentation & Methods

According to Nigerian Law what is Tax Rebate? Its Calculation,Reasons,Documentation & Methods Tax Rebate/Tax Refund A  tax refund  or  tax rebate  is a payment to the taxpayer when the taxpayer pays more tax than they owe. Calculation of Tax Rebate/Tax Refund Tax rebate/Tax refund =    Input tax – Output Tax Input Tax An input tax is a levy paid by a business on acquired goods and services. An example of an input tax is the value added tax . When a business then taxes its customers , this is considered an output tax. The business pays the federal revenue authority the difference between the output tax and input tax if the amount is positive, or it can apply for a tax refund if the amount is negative. Output Tax Output tax  is the VAT that is calculated and charged on the sale of goods and services from your business, if you are VAT-registered. This must be calculated on sales to other businesses and consumers alike. Output VA

Moody's changes Pakistan banking system outlook to negative

Moody’s Investors Service has changed its outlook for the banking system in Pakistan (B3 negative) to negative from stable. “Over the next 12-18 months, banks in Pakistan will see their credit profiles challenged by their high exposure to the country’s low-rated sovereign debt and a slowing economy,” Constantinos Kypreos, Moody’s Senior Vice President, said in a report released Monday. The banks’ operating conditions will be difficult, with Pakistan’s real GDP growth slowing to 4.3% in the fiscal year ending June 2019, down from 5.8% in 2018, the report said. The Pakistani rupee has depreciated 30% versus the US dollar, interest rates rose by 450 basis points between December 2017 and February 2019, and inflation is rising; all factors which affect business and consumer confidence and the private sector’s debt repayment capacities, Moody’s noted. The agency also pointed out that Pakistan's banks face the risk of macroeconomic contagion through a range of channe

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