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Line Walker The Prelude Episode 12

When SIU-FUNG and SUK-MUI sneak into SZE KA-LEI’s home, they encounter obstacles, so they immediately call CHEUK HOI for help. Later, CHEUK HOI analyzes the whole thing, thinking that someone wanted to harm KA-LEI...

Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 01
In 2010, Senior Inspector CHEUK HOI from the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of the Hong Kong police force heads to Bangkok, Thailand, commanding the covert agents he dispatched there to investigate a Hong Kong drug lord...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 02
Due to their declining influence, NGAI TAK-SHUN, the son of NGAI CHUNG-SHAN who is the leader of a Hong Kong triad society, Cheung Hing, returns with a bang to take over the gang and starts cleaning house...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 03
Having recruited a top hitman named CHAI FING, FOON-HEI goes to elaborate lengths to ambush TAK-SHUN, but the attempted assassination fails because TAK-SHUN, as a military veteran, manages to escape...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 04
CHEUK HOI and SUK-MUI are performing surveillance in Thailand in hopes of finding those covert agents that are with FOON-HEI but they have lost contact with. At that time, it’s confirmed that one of PAK-KEY’s confidants is their lost covert agent...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 05
SIU-FUNG knows that PAK-KEY lost the drugs that were initially stolen by TIN-TONG, and the buyer is seeking revenge. To protect PAK-KEY, SIU-FUNG decides to secretly kill FOON-HEI...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 06
TAK-SHUN and KA-LEI work together, using a high-end club as a façade to cover up their money laundering business; whereas SUK-MUI manages to land a job at the high-end club as a waitress, seeking to take the opportunity to investigate Cheung Hing...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 07
Just as SUK-MUI is drugged unconscious by SMOKEY, TIN-TONG shows up. TIN-TONG teams up with SUK-MUI to sneak into the drug manufacturer and expose that SMOKEY reaped profit from selling blue ice on the sly, but they end up being hunted down by SMOKEY...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 08
With CHEUK HOI’s help, SIU-FUNG manages to steal the drugs from TAK-SHUN’s warehouse, following which FOON-HEI instructs SIU-FUNG to hand the drugs over to CHAI FING. CHEUK HOI then tails after CHAI FING and learns the location where FOON-HEI keeps his drugs...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 09
CHEUK HOI and CHI-BUN continue to investigate those corrupt cops who work for FOON-HEI. Unexpectedly, CHI-BUN is instead suspended from his duties after being falsely accused of misconduct for accepting advantages...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 10
CHEUK HOI tenders his resignation to KAI-FAT, the senior management of the police force, and recommends CHI-BUN as his successor. After getting the blue ice drugs back, TAK-SHUN brings along KA-LEI to take part in the gambling tournament...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 11
CHI-BUN asks YEUNG WING out to dinner to thank her for returning the wallet to him, and he has a very high regard for her because of her aspiration. With FIRECRACKER going against him, FOON-HEI sends SIU-FUNG to follow TART Q to take part in FIRECRACKER’s counterfeit money operation...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 12
When SIU-FUNG and SUK-MUI sneak into SZE KA-LEI’s home, they encounter obstacles, so they immediately call CHEUK HOI for help. Later, CHEUK HOI analyzes the whole thing, thinking that someone wanted to harm KA-LEI...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 13
YEUNG WING goes out with CHI-BUN and by chance, she gets know how good of a police officer he is, so she inwardly begins to appreciate him. After being attacked, KA-LEI stays at home to recuperate...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 14
SUK-MUI and TIN-TONG start doing the money laundering business for TAK-SHUN, but TIN-TONG starts getting suspicious of SUK-MUI. On top of that, he even tracks her down to the safehouse...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 15
CHEUK HOI, out of empathy, tries to convince KA-LEI to leave TAK-SHUN, keeping herself away from the criminal activities, to which KA-LEI has no comment...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 16
The Commercial Crime Bureau(CCB) suspects that Ling Chi Finance Ltd. is involved in money laundering activities, and SUK-MUI is taken back to the police station for questioning. Having heard this, MR. WHITE starts pressuring TAK-SHUN...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 17
MADAM CHEUNG finds CHI-BUN and assigns him a secret mission. FOON-HEI is told to meet up with MR. WHITE somewhere, however, upon his arrival, he runs into a mystery woman called LEUNG SZE-MAN...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 18
SIU-FUNG learns that FOON-HEI is going to deal with the police, so he immediately informs CHEUK HOI about it. Knowing that he is unable to stand by KA-LEI’s side, CHEUK HOI resigns...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 19
CHEUK HOI tries to enlist the help of those who are able to take over the challenges of the criminal intelligence operations through the profiles of those ex cops, including a former female cop, LAW SIU-SZE, a device-maker, SHEH LOK-SHING and an impersonator LEE MAN-HUNG...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 20
With CHEUK HOI leading his men to meet up with the fourth covert agent, the corrupt cops scheme to catch them all. KA-LEI notices there is a large cash transaction in Ling Chi, so she tracks it down to SZE-MAN...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 21
While TAK-SHUN is dealing with MR. WHITE, JOHNNY also promises to help TAK-SHUN get rid of FOON-HEI. JOHNNY sends SZE-MAN to kill FOON-HEI, without knowing that SZE-MAN out of the blue goes face-to-face against FOON-HEI...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 22
With TAK-SHUN officially cooperating with JOHNNY, JOHNNY requests TAK-SHUN to let KA-LEI be the agent for his international money laundering syndicate. In fact, JOHNNY intends to hold KA-LEI hostage...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 23
SUK-MUI takes an initiative to have a word with SIU-FUNG, who reveals that he has no feelings for her, rendering her heartbroken. Having heard this, TIN-TONG goes to pick a quarrel with SIU-FUNG and ends up getting into a fight with him...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 24
SUK-MUI notices that KA-LEI seems to be injured, so she reports it to CHEUK HOI, who appears to be very worried about her conditions. In order to find SIU-FUNG, SUK-MUI takes the risk and goes to Fook Wo, fortunately, TIN-TONG shows up and saves her...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 25
After returning to Hong Kong, KA-LEI states that she wants to leave TAK-SHUN, who tries to persuade her to stay. SIU-FUNG uses a scapegoat to lure out the corrupt cops including SUET-CHING and the others. He strikes first...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 26
Getting ready to leave Hong Kong, KA-LEI bids farewell to SUK-MUI, during which she talks about her feelings for TAK-SHUN. KA-LEI then bids farewell to CHEUK HOI, who is very happy to see that KA-LEI decides to pursue her freedom to live a happy life...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 27
CHEUK HOI sends SCREWDRIVER and JAZZ to follow SZE-MAN, who not only sees them instantly, but also requests CHEUK HOI to meet her in person. KAI-FAT informs TAK-SHUN that someone investigated SUET-CHING’s mother...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 28
CHEUK HOI notices that SZE-MAN has gone missing and he tries to find her but to no avail. TAK-SHUN wants to keep KA-LEI by his side, so he lies to her and even proposes marriage to her, to which KA-LEI hesitates...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 29
CHEUK HOI and SUK-MUI learn that SIU-FUNG is in danger, but CHEUK HOI reveals that he can’t reach TIN-TONG, so SUK-MUI agrees to go and look for him. At that moment, FOON-HEI phones and wants to meet CHEUK HOI...
Line Walker The Prelude-使徒行者 2
Episode 30
TAK-SHUN schemes to steal FOON-HEI’s dirty money, resulting in FOON-HEI being hunted down by his international clients after losing a large amount of money...

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