

UltraEdit for Windows

  • Trial version

  • In English
  • V 28.20
  • 3.7


A multi-use text and code editor

UltraEdit is a development and IT tool from IDM Computer Solutions that you can use to edit text and codes. This handy program can be a great help to anyone diving into web development, especially with its numerous features and extensive customization tools.

In addition to editing data, UltraEdit can also be used to handle XML and HTML, reformat program language and CSV data, as well as double-check for any syntax errors you might have missed. This program is comparable to other programs like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Notepad++. 

Quick editing

UltraEdit is any web programmer’s ideal tool. With auto-complete suggestions, this program allows you to make use of highly functional tips and prompts to help you get the job done in a much quicker manner. It also offers multi-selection capabilities to allow you to seamlessly edit numerous blocks of code in one go without having to repeat the same process over and over again.

Users can also make use of HTML and Markdown live preview pages to help visualize their codes and get a quick glance at even the smallest changes. For larger projects, you can also use the convenient search function to help you find specific text. You’ll also be able to edit text through a cloud-based server so you won’t need to download large files when accessing files from a different device.

Another notable feature of this software is its extensive customization abilities. In addition to a fully customizable menu bar, you can also choose from a number of themes to help stylize your workspace. However, one downside is that the text size cannot be changed, so it can be difficult to read certain lines of text. The customization tools can also be quite confusing and overwhelming for new users, as well.

Has a bit of a learning curve

Although UltraEdit can be a bit intimidating to work with, especially for new users who aren’t familiar with programs like this, it’s still a promising tool that both newbie programmers and trained professionals can make use of. With the ability to edit text simultaneously and see your work in real-time, you can easily keep an eye on your development from beginning to end.

UltraEdit is the ideal text, HTML and hex editor, and an advanced PHP, Perl, Java and JavaScript editor for programmers.

With millions of users and over 20 years of development, UltraEdit is the go-to editor in a diverse range of industries for IT beginners, hobbyists, and professionals. From coding in C/C++, C#, Java, HTML/Javascript/CSS, PHP, Python, or nearly any other programming language, to large file manipulation, from data sorting and text record formatting to remote (FTP/SFTP) file operations, UltraEdit is a must-have tool for anyone working with source code or other plain text data. Features include syntax highlighting for hundreds of source languages, editor themes, function listing, HTML/XML tag matching and auto-completion, macros/scripting, FTP (SFTP and FTPS), SSH/telnet, column and block mode editing, multi-caret editing and multi-select, hex editing, large file handling (easily open 4+ GB files), advanced file sorting, robust find/replace in files, file encryption and decryption, custom tools, and much more.

Program available in other languages

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