Hardware Leak PC

Intel Core i7-9700K 8 Core/8 Thread CPU Benchmarked With 5.5 GHz All Core Overclock on Water Cooling – Running on Z370 Motherboard

Hassan Mujtaba
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Intel's 9th Generation Core i7-9700K has been spotted running at overclock frequencies on a Z370 motherboard. The processor was not only seen running at overclocked speeds but also got some performance benchmarks with all cores overclocked beyond 5 GHz.

Intel Core i7-9700K Overclocked To 5.5 GHz Across All Cores on Water Cooling - Gets Benchmarked on Z370 Platform

The Intel Core i7-9700K processor is an 8 core and 8 thread part. The chip will have 12 MB of L3 cache and as you might tell, it has lower threads than the Core i7-8700K but comes with higher core count. In terms of clock speeds, the chip has a base clock of 3.6 GHz and boosts up to 4.9 GHz in single, 4.8 GHz in dual-core, 4.7 GHz in four core and 4.6 GHz in 6/8 core operations. The TDP for this part is maintained at the same 95W.

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Intel 9th Generation Core Family CPU Official Specifications:

Processor NameProcessCores / ThreadsBase ClockBoost ClockCacheTDPPrice
Core i9-9900KS14nm++8 / 163.6 GHz5.0 GHz (8 Cores)16 MB127W$513 US
Core i9-9900K14nm++8 / 163.6 GHz5.0 GHz16 MB95W$488 US
Core i9-9900KF14nm++8 / 163.6 GHz5.0 GHz16 MB95W$488 US
Core i7-9700K14nm++8 / 83.6 GHz4.9 GHz12 MB95W$374 US
Core i7-9700KF14nm++8 / 83.6 GHz4.9 GHz 12 MB95W$374 US
Core i5-9600K14nm++6 / 63.7 GHz4.6 GHz9 MB95W$262 US
Core i5-9600KF14nm++6 / 63.7 GHz4.6 GHz9 MB95W$262 US
Core i5-960014nm++6 / 63.1 GHz4.5 GHz9 MB65WTBD
Core i5-950014nm++6 / 63.0 GHz4.3 GHz9 MB65WTBD
Core i5-940014nm++6 / 62.9 GHz4.1 GHz9 MB65W$182
Core i5-9400T14nm++6 / 61.8 GHz3.4 GHz9 MB35WTBD
Core i3-9350KF14nm++4/44.0 GHz4.6 GHz8 MB91WTBD
Core i3-910014nm++4 / 4TBD4.2 GHz6 MB65WTBD
Core i3-900014nm++4 / 43.7 GHzN/A6 MB65WTBD
Core i3-9000T14nm++4 / 43.2 GHzN/A6 MB35WTBD

The chip is one of three unlocked K-series SKUs that will be available on launch and like previous generation processors, the 9th Generation will be compatible with existing 300 series and the new Z390 motherboards. Following are some key features on the upcoming lineup:

  • First performance Intel Core i9 desktop s-series processor
  • Up to 8 cores
  • Intel Z390 chipset compatible
  • Solder Thermal Interface Material (STIM)
  • Integrated USB 3.1 Gen 2 and Integrated Intel Wireless-AC
  • Up to 16 threads, 5.0 GHz, 16 MB cache, and 40 platform PCIe lanes (16 CPU + 24 PCH)
  • Compatible with all Intel 300 series chipsets
  • Intel Optane memory and Intel Optane SSD support
  • Thunderbolt 3 support
Intel 9th Gen 8 Core processors will be featuring a soldered IHS design. (Image Credits: Videocardz)

One thing we are really interested to see is how the soldered IHS design would help overclockers in reaching the highest frequency on the new 8 core processors. Both 8 core unlocked processors are going to feature the soldered IHS design and that would help a good bit when it comes to temps and better heat transfer between the CPU die and the IHS. AMD has already previously used IHS with solder on their Ryzen and Ryzen Threadripper processors and that did wonders when it came to CPU temperatures.

The chip that we are talking about here was tested on an ASRock Z370 Professional Gaming i7 motherboard with 16 GB of DDR4-3600 MHz memory. The Core i7-9700K shows up as it should within the BIOS with its stock frequency of  3.60 GHz which we mentioned above.

Intel Core i7-9700K Overclocked to 5.5 GHz across all 8 cores on a Z370 motherboard.

The more impressive thing about this leak is that the chip was overclocked to 5.5 GHz across all cores on water cooling. A voltage that's presumably 1.536V was used and to be honest, that is a bit too much for the chip but regardless, the chip was able to run all it's 8 cores at 5.5 GHz and the leaker even provided us the performance benchmark in Cinebench R15. The chip scored 250 points in the single thread and 1827 points in the multi-thread benchmark. There's no doubt that Intel's 9th generation lineup would feature the fastest 8 core models for the mainstream market, even rivaling 10 and 12 cores when overclocked.

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