Chrysler 300M Enthusiasts Club
  • February 2017 Ride of the Month --Winner--

  • A Forum Highlighting the Best LH's around.
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February 2017 Ride of the Month --Winner--

A Forum Highlighting the Best LH's around.

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  #364900  by  300GEM
Thanks a million, Keith, Reed, and Doug! It truly means a lot. I would also like to extend a congratulations to Alex and Matt for their nominations and for making the voting process a difficult choice in casting just one vote. Such an amazing amount of time and resources were invested in these cars to make them what they truly are today: one of a kind. You guys definitely have some great ideas and are very inspirational. I would love to see each of your cars in person some day -- pictures can only show so much. Keep up the good work!

I'd also like to give a shout out to Keith and the board of directors for dividing this month's tiebreaker contest into two separate months. This was a very kind gesture and it is appreciated immensely.

As for me, wow, I am so honored and so ecstatic! I don't really know what else to say except thank you very much to the members that have made this opportunity possible for me and for the ones that voted for me. I truly couldn't have gotten this far without your help. Who would've thought that my 14-year-old Chrysler nearing 200,000 miles in the next 4 years or so would have the privilege of amounting to something other than a daily driver. It's such a blessing to be part of a community of like-minded people who have a sincere appreciation for the cars that not only drive us in a literal sense, but in a way that drives us to experience happiness, satisfaction, and nostalgia. I am so glad that I decided to join the Club. I can tell that it will continue to be a place of newfound knowledge, ideas, and helpfulness as the years go on. And, while I've always loved my 300M even in spite of the challenges along the way, you guys have made me appreciate it even more. With it getting rarer and rarer to see them every day as a vehicle that's been out of production for well over 10 years, I find myself mesmerized by the ones I do see around town, even though most are beginning to show their age. The members of the Club here have some of the finest examples of early 2000s LH cars I've ever seen -- everything from true survivors to modified works of art. You guys owe it to yourselves!

Again, thanks so much to everyone that made this dream a reality for me and I'm looking forward to what the future has in store. :-)

M-Pressive, snstr_auto, Wolfe359_01 liked this
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About the 300M Enthusiasts Club

The Chrysler 300M Enthusiasts Club is a member-based, non-profit social and recreational club, bringing together people from around the world who are passionate about the Chrysler 300M, Dodge Intrepid, Chrysler Concorde, Chrysler LHS, and Eagle Vision. Ownership of one of these vehicles is not a requirement for membership and we invite YOU to join our extended family of 300M, Intrepid, LHS, Concorde, and Vision owners and enthusiasts.

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® 2024 Chrysler 300M Enthusiasts Club.

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