Posted by Solim-Yoon Friday, June 23, 2023

Opinions divided over the casting of tvN's 'See You in my 19th Life' as Ahn Bo Hyun exceeds expectations while Shin Hye Sun falls short


Viewers are expressing mixed opinions over the casting of tvN's ongoing Sat-Sun drama series 'See You in My 19th Life' after its first week.

'See You In My 19th Life' is a drama remake of the popular webtoon of the same name. As a result, even before it began airing, many looked forward to the casting of the lead characters. Then, when it was revealed that actor Ahn Bo Hyun of 'Military Prosecutor Doberman' had been cast as the male lead Moon Seo Ha, fans of the original webtoon series complained that the male lead had been mis-cast. Ahn Bo Hyun, who was a former MMA fighter during his teen years, had thus far appeared in roles more befitting of his broad and muscular physique. However, the male lead character Moon Seo Ha of 'See You In My 19th Life' was known for being sickly, as a result of his tragic past and his careless family. 

This past weekend, tvN's 'See You in My 19th Life' premiered with its first two episodes, aired between June 17-18. After the first two episodes, the concerns that viewers had over the casting of the character Moon Seo Ha were completely shut down, as Ahn Bo Hyun appeared on-screen after a dramatic transformation, losing 8 kg for his new role. The actor also pulled off the sad and lonely demeanor of Moon Seo Ha well enough to fully exceed viewers' original expectations of him in the new series.

On the other hand, actress Shin Hye Sun seems to have fallen short of the viewers' expectations as the female lead character Ban Ji Eum, at least as far as the first two episodes are concerned. 

Ban Ji Eum is a character who remembers all of her past lives. In her currently life, she is a bright and cheerful 24-year old whose most important mission in life is to meet someone she is connected to from her past lives. However, some viewers felt that Shin Hye Sun, who is 35-years old in real life, does not come off as a 24-year old in 'See You in My 19th Life'. Those who tuned into the first and second episodes of the drama couldn't help but notice that the female lead appeared much older than the male lead, even though in the story, Moon Seo Ha is 8-years older than Ban Ji Eum.

Meanwhile, 'See You in My 19th Life' consists of a total of 12-episodes, with episodes three and four airing this weekend on June 24 and June 25.  It remains to be seen whether or not the current opinions over the casting of the two main characters will change over time. 

  1. Shin Hye Sun
55 115,456 Share 77% Upvoted
mintchoco0032,434 pts Friday, June 23, 2023 7
Friday, June 23, 2023

All I see on naver is people praising her acting

29 (+31 / -2)

7 more replies

2muchbias4many5,971 pts Friday, June 23, 2023 0
Friday, June 23, 2023

I will say this….. the little girl who was cast in this that did the Flamenco on tv etc, was absolutely incredible!!! I’ve seen her in something else & can’t remember what, but in this she was perfect! I was actually sad when they had moved on to this characters older self. Because, I knew I wouldn’t see anymore of the younger actress. I’m sorry, but that little girl left big shoes to fill. As for the older actress that was cast to play her as a 24 year old….. I actually like her. I think she’s doing good. She’s supposed to act much older because she’s lived so many lives (and remembers them) so I didn’t find it strange.

25 (+25 / -0)


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