2305-0426 Dough Boy
Think you found your perfect match?

Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center

The mission of the Virginia Beach Animal Control Unit is to balance the health, safety and welfare needs of the people and animals in our City. Through our mission we will educate the public about responsible companion animal ownership, aggressively investigate animal cruelty cases, provide compassion and humane care for unwanted, stray, abused and abandoned animals in our City, give adoptable animals a second chance at a forever home, and humanely euthanize animals when necessary and appropriate.

Virginia Beach, VA,23451
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (757) 385-4444

Website: http://www.vbgov.com

2305-0426 Dough Boy

Domestic Medium Hair | City Of Poquoson, VA

AdultMaleSmallBlack and White


Coat Length


Meet 2305-0426 Dough Boy

Dough boy! Super handsome sweet young adult. Fluffy!

Adoption Process
1.Persons interested in adopting an animal are encouraged to visit the Care & Adoption Center. Some animals can go home right away, where others must be held for a few days before they can be released. Available adoptable animals are publicly viewable during our normal business hours. 2.All citizens regardless of City of residence are welcome to adopt spayed or neutered dogs and cats from the Animal Care & Adoption Center. All dogs and cats available for adoption through the shelter will be spayed or neutered prior to adopter possession. 3.All dogs and cats adopted from our Care & Adoption Center are given their vaccinations including rabies vaccination. Dogs are heartworm tested and cats are tested for FIV/Feline Leukemia. It is recommended that all adopters have their new pet examined by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of adoption. Routine health care for the life of your pet is very important. It is vitally important for adopters to locate a veterinarian/veterinary establishment for continued care. Adopters can visit芒聙聥芒聙聥 the Department of Health Professions website to assist in locating a licensed veterinarian. Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center takes the adoption of a pet very seriously and wants to help adopters and the new pet make a smooth transition into the home. If you are considering pet adoption, we encourage you to ask questions of our staff in order to make the best decision for your family. Pet ownership is a life-long responsibility. 4.Persons who reside in Virginia Beach are required to purchase a Virginia Beach City License at the time of adoption. 5.In order to adopt, interested adopters will complete a species specific adoption questionnaire/application and all dogs and cats already owned by the potential adopter are required to be current on rabies vaccines and City license (if applicable in the City of residence) at the time of adoption from the VBACAC. 6.Persons who reside in a rental property are required to show proof that the animal being adopted is permitted at residence. 7.Persons with a prior conviction of animal cruelty, failure to provide adequate care, or domestic violence related offenses will not be permitted to adopt from the VBACAC.

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