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AliExpress’ new CHOICE offering makes shopping easier than ever

AliExpress, one of the world's top marketplaces, announced the launch of its new AliExpress CHOICE offering in the US.
Brought to you by AliExpress

Published onMarch 24, 2023

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AliExpress, the global e-commerce retail platform of Alibaba and one of the top cross-border marketplaces in the world, today announced the launch of its new AliExpress CHOICE offering in the US, as well as its March anniversary sale. Throughout the sale, which runs from March 20-26, 2023, thousands of CHOICE products will be on sale with savings of 75-90% from other retailers.

The new AliExpress CHOICE offering is a curated collection of 50,000 products from the online retailer’s highest-rated and most-trusted sellers across categories such as consumer electronics, household goods, fashion, beauty, sports apparel, and much more. CHOICE products, flagged with an icon, offer shoppers: free shipping, guaranteed 15-day delivery, free returns, and the highest quality products at low prices.

“Our AliExpress shopping experience is tailored to fit your lifestyle. We take pride in our selection of products that boast the finest quality, value, and variety across hundreds of categories relevant to U.S. consumers,” said AliExpress Marketing Director Briza Rocha Bueno.

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AliExpress’ CHOICE offering isn’t just about providing shoppers with a curated list of best-selling products. All options on the list are from the store’s highest-rated and trusted sellers. When purchasing any product, buyers will also get the advantage of free shipping, a 15-day delivery guarantee, and free returns. Simply look for the CHOICE icon on the product page to know that you are getting the best.

Don’t worry if you aren’t finding your products of choice right away, though. The CHOICE offering is updated continuously, with the company considering various factors like ratings, pricing, popularity, and availability. The most important consideration for most shoppers, timely delivery, is also a big factor for a product to be included in the curated list. The list will continue to update as customer preferences evolve and the company receives more feedback.

Coupled with AliExpress’ multitude of shopper-friendly features like “Discount for two or groups,” camera-based search, and a slew of exclusive deals and features, AliExpress CHOICE is an excellent way to take your shopping experience to the next level.

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And what better time to make the most of the CHOICE offering list and other features than AliExpress’ upcoming March anniversary sale! Running from March 20 to March 26, 2023, the anniversary sale features significant discounts (as much as 75 to 90 percent) for thousands of CHOICE products and more. With the highest-rated products from trusted sellers, guaranteed timely deliveries, and huge discounts, AliExpress’ March anniversary sale and the new CHOICE list are the perfect combination for shoppers in the US!

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