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Car Rental Mobile App Development: Features & Types

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5183 Views | 1 min | Published On: December 29, 2021 Last Updated: June 29, 2023

The mobile app industry is brimming with fantastic apps for a variety of reasons. You can use your smartphone to make to-do lists, buy items without leaving your house, get a job, and plan your next vacation. Some applications are popular and profitable, while others are less popular but still helpful. And nowadays, car rental app development is also in trend. 

Car rental mobile app development is going up like wildfire. However, building a complete business and car rental software out of it is not easy. It is not enough to throw a few concepts and features together and call it a day. Needless to say, you’ll need a compass. A technical expert to help you create your business with a solid development strategy. But we saved the finest thing for last!

Car rental mobile applications are those that allow users to hire a car to meet their requirements. You will be able to reserve the automobile you desire for 24 hours or longer by paying a modest fee as a user. 

Furthermore, several of these applications, such as Zoom Cars, provide automobile subscriptions. That implies you’ll be able to own the automobile for at least 6 months. This is useful if you move frequently for employment and don’t stay in one spot for more than 6 months.

Market Statistics Of Car Rental Applications

When it comes to car rental app development, the figures appear to be quite remarkable. The information shown here will give you an idea of how much money you can make if you employ the best on-demand car rental app development company. Car rental services appear to be a terrific way to build your business or break into the industry as a newcomer.

Statistics :

  • The global car rental market is estimated to generate $1,898 million in revenue in 2021.
  • From 2021 to 2025, revenue is predicted to expand at a pace of 20.75 % per year.
  • If the automobile rental sector grows at a CAGR of 20.75 %, its predicted market volume would be $4,036 million by 2025.
  • In 2021, user penetration will be 2.8 percent, with 5.3 percent projected by 2025.
  • The average revenue per user is estimated to be $48.15 per month.
  • When the figures are compared internationally, the United States generates a substantial portion of the income, which is estimated to be over $18,223 million in 2021.

Why You Should Invest In Car Rental App Development?

Several sectors have profited substantially from the use of mobile applications in their businesses. The automobile rental business is no exception, with well-known brands such as Hertz and Turo already having an impact. 

You can build a comparable car rental software that allows customers to book or hire a car with a few clicks on their cellphones from anywhere in the globe, making it quick and easy. You can develop a brand and obtain a competitive edge by establishing yourself as a vehicle rental service provider and offering users some special services.

Furthermore, because there is an increase in the use of such apps, it is a fantastic moment and opportunity for you to enter the market.

Advanced Feature for Car Rental App Development

Advanced Feature for Car Rental App Development

In-App Camera

Taking a picture of the document you wish to submit and then looking for it in the gallery is a time-consuming process. Including an in-app camera, the function will allow users to take a picture of a document and publish it immediately from the app camera.

Custom Relation Management(CRM)

CRM enables you to deliver emails, newsletters, discount coupons, and other promotional materials to your most loyal consumers. You may establish a long-term bond with them this way.

Real-Time Tracking

If you’re renting cars and assigning drivers, incorporating a GPS into your app is critical. Users and administrators can follow the live location of the automobile rental on the map using GPS. Users can update or share their current location with the admin and their relatives for security reasons.

Online payments

With the emergence of internet wallets, internet payments have become quite simple. Instead of paying in cash, one can make a prepaid booking by using their credit or debit card, or one of the online wallets. The majority of car rental applications enable online payments and offer customers booking receipts.

Fare calculator 

A car rental app uses its own algorithm to determine price depending on the vehicle picked and the length of time the customer needs it. Users can calculate their own charge based on how many kilometers they need the car for.

Uploading Documents

When renting a car, consumers can request drivers as well., going on a long journey or a family holiday, they may use this tool to book drivers in addition to the car. When reserving a rental automobile, you can additionally include the option of specifying a preference.

Managing Bookings

All car rental app users can manage their bookings by confirming the time they want to utilize the automobile. This aids in preserving transparency and keeping track of future appointments.

Data Security

One of the most pressing challenges in the twenty-first century is data breaches. Because you want on-demand car rental app development, your users will be sharing sensitive papers with you. To gain the confidence of the users, you must take care of security by employing the finest possible security technologies.

Different Types of Car Rental Mobile Apps

Car rental services have been in the market for a long time and with each passing day, technology is making it better and easier. If you want to maximize your earnings, you’ll need to pick the proper sort of service in addition to working with the top car rental mobile app development business.

Different Types of Car Rental Mobile Apps

1. Self-Driven Car Rentals

The car would be driven by the user himself. They would reserve a car that would be delivered to their location by the service provider, and the user would then be able to drop it off at the needed stop. It is a very cost-effective option for individuals who know how to drive but do not have access to a four-wheeler for any reason.

2. Corporate Car Rentals 

When it comes to corporate vehicle rentals, these are services that a company may provide to its customers to help them get around the city and to work. Although the service has a restricted reach, it is in high demand these days.

3. Outstation Car Rentals 

Using taxis Outstation travel necessitates a large expense. It is more convenient for people to rent a car and drive it anywhere they wish. For a wider reach, request that your vehicle rental application development service provider provide outstation options in the service list.

4. Local Car Rentals

You can create a car rental service that is only available to locals and visitors to your city. Allow them to rent a car, go wherever they want, and pay you for it. Simple!

It would be easier for the developers to work on the automobile rental system features if you could indicate the sort of service you wish to provide. This will also make it easy for you to manage your track and income, as well as design your own business plan.

What Is The Cost Of Car Rental App Development?

The cost of car rental app development with an MVP version is estimated to be between $20,000 and $25,000. If you want to incorporate a lot of complex features in your app, the cost may be much more. Our skilled and proficient developers can create a car rental app with all necessary features at an affordable price. 


As the car rental sector grows in the market, so does the demand for a viable solution to the market’s highlighted difficulties. You will become closer to your consumers and gain major benefits by developing a good application for your car booking or car rental business.

Furthermore, there are several car rental companies on the market, indicating fierce rivalry. A car rental app development is vital for overcoming them and standing out in the market.

Apptunix has a solid track record and vast experience in producing mobile app development solutions. Contact us for more information. 

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Tags: App Development, Car Rental App, car rental app development, Car Rental App Development Cost, car rental mobile app, car rental mobile app development, car rental services

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