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Asphalt & Rubber

Second-Chance to Order a Kawasaki Ninja H2

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Did you miss your chance to reserve a Kawasaki Ninja H2 late last year? Don’t worry, Kawasaki is giving riders a second-chance at ordering the supercharged street bike.

According to the Kawasaki, the first-run of the H2 sold out, but since the H2 has since made the rounds on the motorcycle shows, and the press (not us) has had a go at them, there has been more interest coming out of the woodwork for the 200hp machine.

Thus, Kawasaki is given interested parties from now (April 7th) until April 21st, 2015 to place a deposit and order a bike. The H2 orders will be built-to-order in a special Kawasaki facility at KHI, with the expected delivery dates being late-May or June.

Interested buyers will need to stop by their local Kawasaki dealership with a deposit, in order to secure their order.

Please note that this announcement does not apply to the track-only Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Sorry speed freaks.

Photos of the Kawasaki Ninja H2:

Source: Kawasaki USA


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