

2018年08月26日 06:48--浏览 · --喜欢 · --评论

Malfurion the Pestilent

Play1:The Scourge will infest all.

Play2:The circle of life is over.

Greetings:The cycle of decay begins.

Well Played:Masterful.

Thanks:My thanks to you.


Oops:The web unravels.

Threaten:You will wither and rot.

Attack:Blight and rot!


Thinking[2]:A tangled web...

Thinking[3]:My thoughts are plagued...

Running out of time:Death is eternal,my turn is not!

Concede:You win.I can rest now.

"Cenarius once taught me about the precarious balance between life and death. I have come to understand: there IS no balance. Death always wins."

Deathstalker Rexxar

Play:The eternal hunt has begun.

Greetings:Start running, prey.

Well played:Well played.

Thanks:My thanks.


Oops:That was a miss.

Threaten:I will hunt you down... Forever.

Attack:An easy target.


Thinking[2]:I wonder...

Thinking[3]:Which tracks to follow...

Running out of time:The scent grows faint!

Concede:This hunt is yours.

"You were too slow, old friend. The hunt began long ago. And now... it will never end."

Frost Lich Jaina

Play:Do not fear power... fear those who wield it!

Greetings;You're shivering. Are you afraid?

Well played:Well played.

Thanks:Thank you.

Wow:By my frozen heart!

Oops:A fatal mistake.

Threaten:Bow to your queen!

Attack:I'm ready.


Thinking[2]:Time melts away...

Thinking[3]:Hmmm, I must decide...

Running out of time:The time is now!

Concede:I concede to your power.

"Arthas was a spoiled child, playing with toys he could neither control nor understand. Come into the cold. I will show you the true power of the Frozen Throne."

Uther of the Ebon Blade

Play:The Light's justice has failed.

Greetings:There is only my justice now.

Well played:Well played.

Thanks:Thank you.



Threaten:You will beg for mercy, and I will deny you!

Attack:Fall by my hand!


Thinking[2]:Frostmourne calls...

Thinking[3]:The Frozen Throne calls...

Almost Out of Time:The end draws near!

Concede:You have triumphed... This time.

Deathlord Nazgrim:Summon:Death was merely a setback! Attack:At any cost!

Darion Mograine:Summon:No peace, no rest. Attack:We are unyielding!

Inquisitor Whitemane:Summon:Azeroth will be purified. Attack:The last judgment!

Thoras Trollbane:Summon:The time has come! I return. Attack:Enough words!

"Step forward. Confess! Once I was a mere servant of the Light. Now I alone stand in judgement."

Shadowreaper Anduin

Play:The Light has betrayed me!

Greetings:Total darkness will be my revenge.

Well Played:Well played.

Thanks:Thank you.


Oops:To err is human.

Threaten:Darkness will consume you!

Attack:Shadows consume you!


Thinking[2]:Darkness speaks to me...

Thinking[3}:Shadowy thoughts...

Almost Out of Time:The Shadows grow short!

Concede:No, your victory proves nothing!

"I will tell you what Velen never taught me. Whosoever stands before the Light… inevitably casts a shadow."

Valeera the Hollow

Play:You cannot escape the shadow of death!

Greetings:Where have you been hiding?

Well played:Lovely.

Thanks:Thank you.


Oops:How tragic.

Threaten:You will learn to fear your shadow.

Attack:Silent death!


Thinking[2]:Time slips by...

Thinking[3]:Death's shadow grows...

Running out of time:I must choose soon!

Concede:The day is yours.

"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me."

Thrall, Deathseer

Play:I am the frozen heart of the Scourge!

Greetings:Welcome the cold embrace of death.

Well played:Well played.

Thanks:Thank you.


Oops:A grave mistake.

Threaten:I will shatter you!

Attack:Elements! Obey me...


Thinking[2]:The choice is mine alone.

Thinking[3]:The elements are silent...

Almost Out of Time:A path must be chosen!

Concede:Take cold comfort in your victory.

"Do not be afraid. Approach. The dead will sleep… for now."

Bloodreaver Gul'dan:

Play:A bargain forged in blood and shadow!

Greetings:Fear me.

Well played:Nicely done.

Thanks:Ahh, thank you.

Wow:Bloody hellfire.

Oops:That served no purpose.

Threaten:Your suffering will be... legendary.



Thinking[2]:My hunger grows...

Thinking[3]:So many bloody decisions...

Running out of time:I must feed, now!

Concede:You win... for now.

"Still you refuse to bend your knee? None can escape death, you old fool. And in death… all will serve me…"

Scourgelord Garrosh

Play:I will burn this world, and rule its ashes!

Greetings:You will not be spared the wrath of Hellscream.

Well played:A worthy foe.

Thanks:My thanks.



Threaten:You will be the first to kneel.

Attack:Kneel before me!


Thinking[2]:What now...

Thinking[3]:Time passes...

Almost Out of Time:I must choose!

Concede:I choose death.

"You dare to challenge me? Come! Draw your last breath - and then, you are mine."


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