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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Active substance —

solution for injections


Transparent solution.


1 ml of the drug contains:

active ingredient: ketoprofen - 100 mg;

Excipients: citric acid anhydrous, disodium edetate, water for injections.

solution for injections


Transparent solution.


1 ml of the drug contains:

active ingredient: ketoprofen - 100 mg;

Excipients: citric acid anhydrous, disodium edetate, water for injections.

Pharmacological properties

ATC-vet index: QМ01 - anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic products. QM01AE03 – Ketoprofen.

Kelain ™ is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that belongs to arylpropionic acid group. The inflammatory agent damages the cell and activates phospholipidases, supplying arachidonic acid. It is a basis for enzyme systems of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, resulting in formation of substances, provoking inflammation: prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes. Ketoprofen is a dual inhibitor of inflammation, as it blocks the action of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase and thus prevents formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Ketoprofen has an analgesic effect. The mechanism of this action consists in inhibition of bradykinin, exciting painful nerve endings and, thus, provoking pain. Apart from antibradykinin activity, the drug affects the central nervous system, suppressing the pain perception. Moreover, in horses, ketoprofen neutralizes the effects of endotoxins and counteracts intestinal cramps caused by bradykinin.

Ketoprofen is rapidly absorbed from the injection site. In cows, the maximum plasma concentration of ketoprofen (8.025 ± 1.9 mcg/ml) after intramuscular administration is reached in less than an hour, and its bioavailability is almost complete. More than 98% of ketoprofen binds to plasma proteins and accumulates in inflamed tissues. Ketoprofen has a high affinity for synovial tissues. It is rapidly distributed throughout the body and excreted. The duration of action is longer than expected, with a half-life of less than one hour (intravenous administration to horses) to more than five hours (after intramuscular administration to cattle).. Significant concentrations of ketoprofen were found in the synovial fluid, and its level here is higher than in plasma, and the half-life is 2-3 times longer than in plasma. Ketoprofen is metabolized in the liver to biologically inactive metabolites, and 90% is excreted in urine as glucuronide compounds.


Cattle: it is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug in acute and chronic forms of inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, as well as breast edema and acute mastitis in combination with antimicrobial drugs (as adjunctive therapy).

Horses: for treatment of inflammatory and painful conditions in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular in lameness of traumatic origin, arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint injuries (sprains, synovitis), fractures, tendinitis, hoof lesions (pododermatitis, lameness), post-surgical inflammation , as well as for symptomatic colic treatment.

Swine: it is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug in MMA syndrome (metritis-mastitis-agalactia), for treatment of inflammatory and painful conditions in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs in combination with antibacterial therapy.


Cattle: intravenously or intramuscularly 3 ml of the drug per 100 kg of body weight (3 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of body weight) once a day for 1-3 days.

Horses: intravenously for bones and joints, as well as the musculoskeletal system - 1 ml of the drug per 45 kg of body weight (2.2 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of body weight) once for 3-5 days. In the treatment of colics, the dose is 1 ml of the drug per 45 kg of body weight (2.2 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of body weight) once.. Additional injections are only possible after the veterinarian has re-examined the animal.

Swine: intramuscularly 3 ml of the drug per 100 kg of body weight (3 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of body weight) once a day for 1-3 days.


Do not prescribe to animals sensitive to ketoprofen.

Do not administer to animals with severe renal insufficiency.

Do not administer to animals with duodenal ulcer and hemorrhagic syndrome.

Do not use in combination with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics or anticoagulants.

Do not mix with other drugs in one syringe.

Do not administer to mares and foals less than 15 days old.

Do not apply to horses whose meat is used for human consumption.


Side effect

If the drug is administered in recommended doses, side effects do not appear.

Allergic reactions may occur in animals hypersensitive to the drug.

In some animals, after intramuscular injection of the drug at the injection site may appear swelling, pain when pressing or swelling, which pass within a week after completion of treatment with the drug.

Special precautions for administration

Dehydrated animals and animals with low blood pressure shall not be treated as it increases the renal toxicity risk.

Special precautions

After intramuscular injection, painful local swelling may occur, which increases to 10 cm in diameter and disappears within a week of treatment.

Excretion (withdrawal) period

Animal slaughter for meat is allowed in 4 days following the last drug administration. Milk consumption is allowed without restrictions. Meat, obtained before the mentioned term, shall be utilized or fed to non-productive animals depending on the statement of a veterinary physician.


Glass vials of 50 and 100 ml sealed with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps.


Store in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children at 5-30°С.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Use the drug within 7 days following the initial withdrawal from the vial provided it is stored in a dry, dark place at 2-8  С.

For veterinary use only!

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