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Critically acclaimed Malayalam hit ‘2018: Everyone is a Hero’ to stream on SonyLIV

The devastating 2018 Kerala floods left a trail of destruction and loss across the state. Yet, from the depths of despair emerged stories that etched themselves in the archives of heroism. Prepare to be captivated by the highly acclaimed Malayalam film 2018: Everyone is a Hero, which is all set to stream exclusively on SonyLIV on June 7. Forging its path to success, the film has become a phenomenon in the world of Malayalam cinema. Within a mere 10 days of release, it shattered box office records, crossing the coveted 100 crore mark. It also proudly holds the title of the highest-grossing Malayalam film of the year and has secured its place among the top three highest-grossing Malayalam films of all time. Following the addition of acclaimed films such as Kadina Kadoramee Andakadaham to its robust repertoire, this is yet another feather in the platform’s cap.

Directed by the visionary Jude Anthany Joseph, the film showcases the resilience of the people from all walks of life who find themselves thrust into the eye of the calamity and how unity becomes their driving force. As the floodwaters rise, their individual journeys converge, embodying the unyielding spirit of a community and transforming ordinary men into extraordinary heroes.

Commenting on the same, Jude Anthany Joseph said, “2018: Everyone is a Hero is an homage to the collective experience of the people of Kerala during the 2018 floods and to be able to bring it to the screen and see the kind of love it has been receiving has been a truly fulfilling experience. Through this film, we aimed to commemorate the heroism and courage shown by every individual during the catastrophe. With the film now set to stream on Sony LIV, more and more people get to witness our story and the extraordinary spirit of humanity that helped the state triumph.”

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Produced by Venu Kunnappilly, C. K. Padmakumar, and Anto Joseph, 2018: Everyone is a Hero boasts stellar performances by an ensemble cast, including Tovino Thomas, Kunchako Boban, Asif Ali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Aparna Balamurali, Kalaiyarasan, Indrans, Sudheesh, Gilu Joseph, Vinitha Koshy, Aju Varghese, Thanvi Ram, and Gauthami Nair.

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