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First Player Turns Themselves in to London Police After 2018 World Juniors Incident

TJ Tucker
January 28, 2024  (1:12 PM)
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Members of the 2018 World Junior Team from Canada celebrate their gold medal win
Photo credit: Hockey Canada

The dominoes are starting to fall. London Police say one of the five players implicated in an incident that allegedly happened during a celebration involving members of Team Canada's 2018 World Juniors win has turned themselves in.

The Globe & Mail reports that Alex Formenton, 24, turned himself into police in London in connection with the alleged assault. His legal team is vowing to fight the charges.
"The London Police have charged several players, including Alex Formenton, in connection with an accusation made in 2018. Alex will vigorously defend his innocence and asks that people not rush to judgment without hearing all of the evidence."

Formenton has spent the past two season playing with Ambri-Piotta of the Swiss National League. All 109 games he's played in the NHL have come with the Ottawa Senators, after he was drafted 49th overall by the team in 2017.
While London Police have yet to name any of the other players involved, there were four who took leaves of absence from their NHL teams this past week. Carter Hart of the Philadelphia Flyers, Dillon Dube of the Calgary Flames, as well as Michael McLeod and Cal Foote of the New Jersey Devils. All were members of Team Canada at the 2018 World Juniors. There is a news conference scheduled for tomorrow where police are expected to answer more questions. The Globe & Mail said it did not know if any of the other four players have turned themselves in yet.
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28 JANVIER   |   531 ANSWERS
First Player Turns Themselves in to London Police After 2018 World Juniors Incident

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