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Focused Shockwave

A whole new formula for chronic pain



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  • Hard_calcification_ICON_130x130px_EN100
  • Bone_noneunions_ICON_130x130px_EN100
    Bone non-unions
  • Trigger_point_ICON_130x130px_EN100
    Trigger points
  • Tendinopathy_ICON_200x200px_EN100

Mechanism of Action

The focused shockwave causes deep cell stimulation that releases growth factors responsible for tissue regeneration and the initiation of healing processes in the damaged tissues. 

It is a gold standard treatment for deep-lying tendinopathies, calcifications, and delayed bone healing conditions, such as pseudoarthrosis.


Setting New Standards

Patented electroacoustic technology delivers the longest lifespan of 3 million shocks with constant intensity.

The perfect balance between energy flux density and focal zone allows for delivering a high amount of energy to a large area.

An intelligent applicator with continuous monitoring of shock intensity ensures easyand smooth operation.

The highest frequency range on the market covers a wide spectrum of indications.


Take your patient care to the next level!

Get in touch with us if you want the newest technology to improve patient care.

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Focused ESWT is an effective method for short- and long-term treatment of patients suffering from chronic plantar fasciitis.


The most significant reduction in pain according to the VAS score was found in the group of patients with Achilles tendinopathy (60.9%), followed by the group of patients with patellar tendinopathy (57.8%).

Maximilian Hench and Gernot Seppel

Germany, Clin Res Foot Ankle 2019, 7:3

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FSWT has been found to be an effective method for immediate pain reduction in patients with epicondylitis, rotator cuff syndrome, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendinopathy, and Achilles tendinosis.


The reduction in pain during normal daily activities was 63% at the 3-month follow-up. Satisfaction with therapy outcomes as measured by Roles and Maudsley scores improved by 46.9% at 3-month follow-up.

Neckar虒 P*, Kadrmasova虂 Z, Klementova虂 R, Czech Republic

International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports, DOI: 10.46998/IJCMCR.2021.11.000271

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  • Why have shockwave therapy in your practice?

  • What are the differences between radial and focused shockwaves?

  • I am a physiotherapist. What is the best type of shockwave for me to use?

  • I am an orthopedist. Can I combine both shockwave technologies?

Not all products and indications may be licensed in your country. For more information, contact your local representative.


In the EU, the following products are registered under different names: 

Focused Shockwave (BTL-6000 FSWT), Radial Shockwave (BTL-6000 RSWT), Super Inductive System (BTL-6000 Super Inductive System), High Intensity Laser (BTL-6000 High Intensity Laser), TR-Therapy (BTL-6000 TR-Therapy), Spinal Decompression (BTL-6000 Traction and BTL Spinal Decompression), Cryotherapy (BTL Cryotherapy), HandsFree Sono ( (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium); Combined Units (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Electrotherapy with vacuum unit (BTL-4000 Premium + BTL-Vac II), Low-Level Laser Therapy (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Magnetotherapy (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Combined Units (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Diathermy (BTL-6000 Shortwave and BTL-6000 Microwave), CPMotion (BTL-CPMotion), Lymphatic Drainage (BTL-6000 Lymphastim), Couches (BTL-1100, BTL-1300, BTL-1500), Hydrotherapy (BTL-3000)

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