

Notre Dame de Paris is a novel written by Victor Hugo, a French writer. It was first published on January 14, 1831.
Notre Dame de Paris tells a story that took place in France in the 15th century by means of bizarre and contrastive means: Crodd, Vice-Chairman of Notre Dame de Paris.
is respectable, has a heart of snakes and scorpions, first loves and then hates, and persecutes Esmeralda, a Giuseppe girl.
Kasimodo, an ugly and kind-hearted bell ringer, sacrificed himself to save the girl. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of religion, declares the bankruptcy of asceticism.
eulogizes the benevolence, friendship and self-sacrifice of the lower working people, and reflects Hugo's humanitarian thought.

In France, the Bourbon Dynasty, overthrown by the bourgeois revolutionary regime, was restored in 1815 with the support of foreign feudal forces.
Until 1830, the July Revolution broke out in France, ending the feudal rule of Bourbon's Restoration Dynasty.
Under the reign of the Restoration Dynasty, the French courts and churches acted in adultery and oppressed the people.
In Paris at that time, the religious forces were evil and dark, the feudal system was very cruel, and the human nature was distorted and degenerated under the oppression of feudalism.
All sectors of society, especially the lower class, are in a deeply sympathetic situation. The oppressed people rose up and fought bravely with the two forces to win the final victory.
Hugo felt the darkness and cruelty of feudal rule and created Notre Dame de Paris, reflecting real life through the Paris society in the 15th century.
The title of Notre Dame de Paris refers to Notre Dame de Paris, where the story takes place. In 1829, Victor Hugo began to create Notre Dame de Paris in order to let people know the value of this Gothic architecture.

Notre Dame de Paris ('Our Lady of Paris' in French) is a Gothic cathedral on the eastern half of the le de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France, with its main entrance to the west. It is the cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris: that is, it is the church that contains the "cathedra", or official chair, of the Archbishop of Paris. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture in the world. It was restored and saved from destruction by Viollet-le-Duc, one of France's most famous architects. The name Notre Dame means "Our Lady" in French. Notre Dame de Paris was one of the first Gothic cathedrals, and its construction spanned the Gothic period. Its sculptures and stained glass show the heavy influence of naturalism, unlike that of earlier Romanesque architecture.Notre Dame de Paris was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress (arched exterior supports). The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave. After the construction began and the thinner walls (popularized in the Gothic style) grew ever higher, stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward. In response, the cathedral's architects built supports around the outside walls, and later additions continued as such.The cathedral suffered desecration during the radical phase of the French Revolution in the 1790s, when much of its religious imagery was damaged or destroyed. During the 19th century, an extensive restoration project was completed, returning the cathedral to its previous state. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre_Dame_de_Paris

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