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protel PMS

protel PMS

3.3 (21) 隆Escribe una rese帽a!

驴Qu茅 es protel PMS?

Software de hotel para una soluci贸n de gesti贸n de hoteles integral, desde peque帽os hoteles individuales hasta grandes cadenas hoteleras internacionales.

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驴Qui茅n usa protel PMS?

Hoteles innovadores, desde grandes sitios m煤ltiples hasta peque帽os independientes, que conf铆an en la tecnolog铆a para realizar la mayor parte del trabajo pesado en sus operaciones diarias. Se ofrecen variaciones de producto ideales para todos los clientes.

protel PMS Software - 1
protel PMS Software - 2
protel PMS Software - 3

驴Tienes dudas sobre protel PMS? Compara con una alternativa popular

protel PMS

protel PMS

3.3 (21)
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3.5 (21)
3.3 (21)
3.3 (21)
Precio inicial
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Facilidad de uso
Relaci贸n calidad-precio
Atenci贸n al cliente
El m谩s valorado
ResNexus ResNexus


4.8 (387)
Visitar la web
No se han encontrado precios
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4.6 (387)
4.6 (387)
4.7 (387)
Las barras de puntuaci贸n verdes muestran el producto ganador en funci贸n de la puntuaci贸n media y el n煤mero de opiniones.

Otras alternativas interesantes a protel PMS



4.8 (387)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de reservas
Procesamiento de pagos
Reserva en l铆nea
Visitar la web


4.6 (193)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de calendarios
Gesti贸n de reservas
Reserva en l铆nea
Visitar la web
RMS Cloud
RMS Cloud

RMS Cloud

4.4 (418)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Asistencia al cliente
Gesti贸n de reservas
Gesti贸n de tasas
Ver perfil


4.9 (43)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de clientes
Gesti贸n de reservas
Sincronizaci贸n multicanal
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4.7 (935)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Comunicaci贸n con los hu茅spedes
Gesti贸n de reservas
Para alquileres vacacionales
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mycloud PMS
mycloud PMS

mycloud PMS

4.4 (29)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de recepci贸n
Gesti贸n de reservas
Gesti贸n de tasas
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GraceSoft Easy InnKeeping
GraceSoft Easy InnKeeping

GraceSoft Easy InnKeeping

4.4 (54)
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Gesti贸n de reservas
Gesti贸n de tasas
Reserva en l铆nea
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AvaiBook by Idealista
AvaiBook by Idealista

AvaiBook by Idealista

4.3 (136)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de reservas
Para alquileres vacacionales
Reserva en l铆nea
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4.8 (74)
Funcionalidades m谩s valoradas
Gesti贸n de calendarios
Gesti贸n de reservas
Sincronizaci贸n de datos
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Opinones de protel PMS

Evaluaci贸n media

En general
Facilidad de uso
Atenci贸n al cliente
Relaci贸n calidad-precio

Opiniones por tama帽o de empresa (empleados)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001

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隆Escribe una rese帽a! Leer las 21 opiniones
CEO en Egipto
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Ocio, viajes y turismo, 11-50 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la rese帽a

better than HotelFriend

5.0 hace 3 a帽os

Puntos a favor:

Atleast their support is not rude like [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] from hotelfriend, very rude person. the whole team of hotelfriend also is very very bad and it took them weeks to answer simple emails


it is better than hotelfriend by [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]

Director en Sud谩frica
Hosteler铆a, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: M谩s de dos a帽os
Fuente de la rese帽a

Solid System

4.0 hace 2 a帽os

Comentarios: Solid system for small to medium size properties. I say this as I only implemented on this size property.

Puntos a favor:

Ease of implementation for onboarding new properties from a group perspective


Reports are pretty standards and sometimes difficult to customize

Company Director en RU
Hosteler铆a, 11-50 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: M谩s de un a帽o
Fuente de la rese帽a

Waste of money, terrible api integration and support

2.0 hace 5 a帽os

Comentarios: Absolutely shocking, if I made my customers wait so long for solutions for a non functioning system and errors I'd be bankrupt. The company need investigating top to bottom.

Puntos a favor:

I like the front end display, easy to use and with the initial setup we were able to design our own confirmation letters. That is all!


Where do I start?? API : Dont let them lie to you during their sales pitch that they will support any 3rd party integrations for you to build and connect your own booking system. 18 months down the line and over 200 calls in we are still unable to get protel to talk through their own API (which took 8 months to get hold of). At least 5 days between simple questions and a response of acknowledgement and weeks for an answer. We were told "plug and play integration" it doesn't supply this. We cannot use their own online module as it is inflexible in every way. QAS System: this is their own address look up programme, after a replacement PC was installed it took 6 months to get protel running on the PC and they are unable to fix their own software QAS still doesn't run. Reports: Functionality is poor, they tell you TAA is the way to charge everything extra but it doesn't show on overall figures, you manually have to add it up. Customer Support: this is an absolute joke, dealing currently with UK, several people in Germany and someone in America who have no idea how to programme their own system. You ring when the system goes down and they say it isn't a priority and will get back to you, you are queued for a response and sometimes it can take days for an answer. Account Manager : absolutely useless and complained numerous times about no call backs... Their answer "no record of this" Overall I would strongly advise looking elsewhere, hit Twitter publicly if you need help

Business Process Analyst and Requirements Manager en Alemania
Hosteler铆a, 1,001-5,000 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: M谩s de dos a帽os
Fuente de la rese帽a

focus is on own interests, customer needs are irrelevant

3.0 hace 3 meses

Comentarios: Protel is not a reliable partner
As an IT service provider, Protel is not interested in automating the application
The employees do their best, but customers cannot accept such a policy if they want to do business successfully

Puntos a favor:

5 years ago we had a good contact and support good though not always quick. Since 2 years support for on premise products is declining quickly and the needs of customers are irrelevant


Protel does not keep its promises Protel leaves its on premise customers "out in the cold" Effective cooperation is blocked to the best of its ability

Respuesta de Planet

hace 2 meses

Dear Karin, Thank you for taking the time to write this review. We appreciate your feedback and want to ensure you our teams are committed to providing our customers with efficient and reliable services. We are sorry to read that you have been dissatisfied with the support experience and lack of automation for Protel OnPrem. Your feedback has been shared internally. We value your privacy and would kindly ask you to reach out via email at support-management@protel.net where we would be able to discuss the points you have raised further. Yours Sincerely, The Customer Experience Team

Sales Manager en Grecia
Ha utilizado el software durante: M谩s de dos a帽os
Fuente de la rese帽a

Good ,solid software with a lot of options , tons of reports and a lot of add ons.

4.0 hace 7 a帽os

Puntos a favor:

Highly customisation in almost every feature of the software. Solid performance in sales, reservation and front office department . Restaurant POS operates well . Highly recommended for medium-larger hotel units who want to use the reports ...Lots of reports for revenue and not only .. Ease of use is not that good but it can be learned without much effort. Connectivity with third party software .Powerful add ons. Good costumer support Stable.


Price of the software could be more competitive . If you wish to get the proper value of the software add ons are compulsory not optional .So be ready to pay if you want the full range of "goodies" Interface bit dated , needs an update .Also the reservation module needs to show more information . In some new PC's sometimes the software crashes ( weird but unacceptable issue,)

Respuesta de Planet

hace 7 a帽os

Dear Dim, Thanks for taking the time to share your valuable experience of working with our software. I'm really pleased to hear you're getting so much out of it. As for the downsides you have mentioned, we, like any other top #hoteltech vendor, are working hard on delivering even better value. Have you seen what the new protel.I/O can do? It addresses the interface/add-on conundrum; opening up our software to engage more freely with other vendor's products. Google what our CEO Ingo Dignas said 2 weeks ago at the HITEC Dubai - I'm sure you'll like it! Again, thanks for choosing protel. -Jeremy Armes, VP Marketing, protel hotelsoftware GmbH

Leer las 21 opiniones

Software encontrado en

  • Software para hoteles
  • Sistemas de reservas

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