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Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Rear Car Window example
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Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Rear Car Window example
Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Phone example
Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Laptop example
Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Snowboard example
Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker on a Water Bottle example
Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker
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Product ID: 12894

Our Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Stickers are printed on 5-year, 6 mils thick vinyl that has an advanced air-release system that is ideal for car application.

This material is currently backordered.
This option is not available for the selected size.

Easily add retail packaging or hang tabs to your sticker order. Perfect for retail stores! Packaging includes poly bag, cardstock backing, and application instructions. Hang tabs are not preinstalled to allow for them to be placed where needed. For custom packaging, contact customer service to receive a free quote.

  Add Retail Packaging
US$6.41 Free US Shipping
Customize Or
Lasts up to 5 Years
Free Lamination

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I apply the stickers?


We have a comprehensive set of instructions on our Applications Instructions page and a set of these instructions will be mailed with each sticker order.


How long do stickers last?


The life of a sticker depends on the type of sticker material and where its placed. Stickers made out of vinyl and adhesive have a lifespan of up to 5 years while stickers made from cling last up to 6 months. Some specialty materials such as glow in the dark vinyl is not intended for long term outdoor use however it will still last indoors for up to 5 years. Perforated film that creates one-way visibility with its perforated vinyl pattern will last up to 3 years.

For more detailed information on the types of materials we offer check out our stickers materials page.


Best Practices For Uploading A Graphic


Uploading an existing image or design to create a custom sticker is easy! However, there are some common issues with uploaded files that can hold up the production process. Below are a list of best practices for uploaded files that can help you avoid delays in receiving your order.

Embed Images/Files

When you place an image or file into your illustrator document, make sure the file is embedded. With the placed file selected, you can see whether the image is Linked or Embedded in the top left corner of the document.

Outline Fonts

After you’ve designed your sticker in Illustrator or other design software, make sure that your fonts are outlined. When artwork is submitted without outlined text, we may not have the fonts needed to print your design as you created it.

White Stickers

If you are ordering a sticker where the only color in the design is white, you can choose from a white transfer sticker or a clear vinyl sticker with the design printed in white. Transfer stickers have the design cut out of a piece of white vinyl and then have the background elements removed. Clear vinyl stickers have the design printed in an opaque, white ink and can either be die cut around the shape of your design or cut to a standard shape, such as a circle, square, or oval.

**In some cases, where a transfer sticker is too small to cut, we may recommend changing to a sticker printed on clear vinyl.

Cut Paths On Sticker Sheets

While ordering a sticker sheet, cut paths are signified by a 1 pt. stroke around your artwork. The stroke must be a spot color with the name “CutContour." For detailed instructions on how to add cut paths to your artwork in Adobe Illustrator, please view this short tutorial video.

If you would like a sticker sheet, but don’t want to worry about setting up your own cut paths, simply select the “I need cut paths” option.

Submitting Transfer Sticker Artwork As A Black Image

We often receive white artwork on a black background from customers who want to purchase a white transfer sticker. Please submit your artwork as a black image on a white background. Once you upload your file you will be able to select the color of your sticker.

Transfer Sticker File Types
Preferred Files Not Preferred Files Do Not Submit
.EPS .JPG MS Office Files

You can check your file type by looking at the extension at the end of your file name. Example: transfer_sticker_file.eps

Printed Sticker File Types
Preferred Files Not Preferred Files Do Not Submit
.EPS .TIF MS Office Files
.AI .CDR  

What is Sticker Lamination?


Lamination is a type of manufacturing that adds a layer of material in order to improve the durability, strength, and appearance of a sticker. We use lamination to permanently add a protective layer of material. Lamination is an extra layer applied to the top of printed stickers that is scratch and acid-rain resistant and will increase the lifespan of your sticker by 1-3 years. It offers a high level of UV protection and protects the sticker from moisture and abrasion. Lamination will also alter the finish of the sticker, making it either glossy or matte in appearance. Lamination is FREE!

Sticker Layers:

  1. Protective Laminate Layer
  2. High-Resolution Digital Print
  3. Superior Sticker Material

Why We Provide Free Lamination for All Stickers
For years here at Carstickers we charged extra for lamination because it was such an added value for our product. However, we have recently decided to laminate every sticker free of charge! We’re so excited to provide this extra value to all of our customers because we know how important lamination is to the durability and visibility of our products. Just choose between matte and gloss lamination, and your beautiful stickers will be shipped to your door all free of any additional fees.

Why We Laminate Stickers:

  • Resists Scratching and Abrasion
  • Weather and Water Resistant
  • UV Protection
  • Choice Between Matte or Gloss
  • Improved Durability

Matte Lamination
Matte lamination gives a beautifully subtle, flat effect that looks great on any stickers. The lamination forms a protective coating over the print that improves durability, UV protections, and weather proofing. Matte laminated stickers are great for a sleek look that doesn’t reflect light.

Gloss Lamination
Gloss lamination adds a high profile sheen that is often used on brochures, menus, magazine covers or presentation folders. Gloss lamination is a high impact option which forms a protective coating over the sticker which makes a wonderful shiny feel.


Raster art vs. Vector art


One way designers get around being stuck with one size is to design in vector art programs (typically Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw). Vector art programs use paths and shapes instead of pixels (Raster images) to determine shape and color. These shapes and paths can be enlarged and are not dependent to a pixel size, so their quality remains intact when sized. Typically people use vector programs to create logos and text, but are popular amongst designers because of their friendliness towards scalability. Visit our vectorization to find out about getting YOUR artwork vectorized.


How Thick Are Your Stickers?


Our stickers come in a variety of thicknesses based on material type and lamination options. Please see the table below to find the thickness of the sticker material you are looking for. We have included the thickness of the sticker alone as well as when it is still secured to the backing.

Sticker Material Thickness

Sticker Material Thickness of Sticker Thickness of Sticker with Backing
White Cling 4.33 mil 8.27 mil
Clear Vinyl 4.33 mil 8.27 mil
Front-Facing Cling 4.33 mil 8.27 mil
Reflective Vinyl 11.8 mil 17.7 mil
Permanent Adhesive 4.33 mil 8.66 mil
White Vinyl (Most Popular) 4.33 mil 8.27 mil
Glow in the Dark Vinyl 13.0 mil 18.9 mil
Front-Facing Adhesive 4.33 mil 8.27 mil
Perforated Film 6.7 mil 12.6 mil
Clear Cling 4.33 mil 8.27 mil

How Are Stickers Measured and Priced?


At Carstickers.com, we measure and price all our stickers based on square inches. The easiest way to figure out the square inches of a sticker is to multiply the width by the height. For example, a sticker that is 4”W x 4”H (4 inches wide and 4 inches high), and a sticker that is 2”W x 8”H (2 inches wide and 8 inches high), will cost the same because they are both 16 square inches.

Square Inch Examples

These measurements are based on the widest and tallest areas of the sticker's shape when a straight line is measured from left to right and top to bottom.

FAQ Measurement Examples

Please note: The measurements are taken when the design is upright and in the same position as it will be applied. This ensures the sticker you order will fit in the space intended. In theory, a diamond-shaped sticker could be rotated 45 degrees and measured as a square, but a 3”x3” diamond and a 3”x3” square rotated 45 degrees are not the same size and will not fit in the same space.

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About The Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker

Perfect for any car or window, our Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker is printed on high quality vinyl with a vibrant print that lasts up to 5 years. The Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker can be personalized by adjusting colors, size, text and other features. Customize your car or home with our long lasting stickers. Personalize your Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker and order online today!

Highway 299 Sign With Black Border Sticker

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