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New SRT 392 Has Arrived

3K views 18 replies 19 participants last post by  Klink 
#1 ·
I received my 2016 Granite Crystal Metallic Challenger SRT 392 about 3 weeks ago. Finally got out for some photos tonight. I'm really liking this car, as I've been mostly driving SUVs and pickups for the last 21 years. I went with the A* transmission and have no regrets whatsoever about that. I'm kind of lazy, but he technology is really amazing.

In addition to the GCM color, I chose to go with the black stripe. I was never able to actually see the combination anywhere before it arrived. Not on the web, not on a lot, so I think its's pretty rare. I'm sort of torn by it. It's a very subtle look, but kind of different. And I got the Sepia leather as well. Love it.

Any way, this is my first post. I was able to gain a lot of info in my ordering process from this forum. Hope to give some back.


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#2 ·
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your beautiful SRT.
#3 ·
Welcome to the forum and I think that you made a Great choice in colors too (I'm a bit biased though:smile:).

We almost ordered the same exact combination as you, but then we saw the red interior and the red seat belts and changed up. I wanted the black stripes like you have because they are subtle, but my wife wanted the silver ones. Guess who won that debate?

Here's a hint......................We have silver stripes!

It didn't matter though because you can't go wrong either way!

Congratulations! You've got one Beautiful Challenger! :cheers:
#4 ·
Welcome and congrats.

Nice looking ride :)
#5 ·
Congrats, beautiful car
#6 ·
Yes that is one nice ride.
#7 ·
Looks great! Congrats

A Guy
#8 ·
Beautiful! Congrats and Welcome.
#9 ·
Beautiful SRT! welcome & congrats!!
#10 ·
Nice! Same color as mine, congratz!
#11 ·
Love the combo! Congrats and enjoy:thumbsup:
#12 ·
Welcome to the forum, congratulations on the new car.
#13 ·
Congrats man! Nice ride! Welcome!
#14 ·
Congrats on the new SRT! I can't say enough on how much I like mine. Enjoy!
#15 ·
Congratulations on your beautiful new SRT! Love the stripes! Welcome to the forum!
#16 ·
Very nice
#17 ·
Welcome from Michigan and great looking ride.
#18 ·
That car looks just GREAT! Welcome to the board too!!!:thumbsup:
#19 ·
Congrats, man, beautiful color combo. I've had my SRT for a couple months, and it has exceeded my expectations so far in every way.
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