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The Copernican Shift Podcast

woke washing

Episode #194: How to Really Celebrate Pride Month, with Katie Martell

It’s June, which means it’s pride month, which means we’re all being bombarded by rainbow-festooned corporate logos. But does that really help? Or is it just another example of “woke washing,” the brand pandering that occurs when marketing and social movements collide. The amazing Katie Martell is back with some …more

Episode #193: The Magic of Sonic Branding

We’ve all heard them. Those iconic sounds that tell us our computer is starting, or you’re about to start bingeing Netflix. They’re sometimes subtle, sometimes more obvious, but always closely associated with a brand experience. Today we explore the power of sonic branding, with real examples and a brief diversion …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #192: How do Your Customers Really Use Your Product?

The challenge with marketing is that we all think we know our products and services better than anyone. But do we? In today’s episode we learn why we need to get out of our own heads and think like our customers. The results might surprise you. See all Copernican Shift …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #191: Damn the Torpedoes, Full Stream Ahead

We’re not always great at seeing or predicting the future, mainly because of our tendency to apply familiar (and often outdated) concepts to new ideas. We’re stuck in our well-worn business ruts, too focused on the day-to-day minutia to notice inflection points that create real opportunities for innovation. The streaming …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #190: Why You Need to Keep it Super Simple

Your business is too complex. That’s because complexity sneaks into all of our workplaces, whether we want it to or not. It’s a hidden problem that’s hurting productivity and frustrating customers.  Keep it simple (or, at least, simpler) by focusing on the customer, and understanding what they want to buy …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #189: One Bowl to Rule Them All

Eating cereal can be more than just… eating cereal. For proof, look no further than Obo, makers of a bowl that transforms cereal from a meal to an experience. There’s a valuable lesson here — no matter how mundane your product or service, you absolutely must provide the best experience …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #188: Six Steps to an Authentic Brand

Today we learn about marketing from everyone’s favorite mentor and football coach, Ted Lasso. That’s right, coach Lasso teaches us about brand authenticity, and why it’s so important in today’s hyper-connected, UGC content-fueled environment. Smells like potential. See all Copernican Shift podcastsThe Copernican Shift on Apple Podcasts PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Just …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #187: Adventures in the Metaverse

We kick things off with energy — specifically energy companies, and how they’re using social media and other modern channels to gather information and manage communication during power-disrupting storms. Then we grab our (virtual) VR headsets and make our first foray into the metaverse. We’ll cut through the hype and …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #186: Welcome to The Copernican Shift Podcast

That’s right. We’re now The Copernican Shift podcast (formerly the Unified-CXM Experience). And although we’ve changed the name, we haven’t changed the format. We’ll still feature some of the top marketing guests on the planet, and generally continue to challenge your perspectives about marketing, advertising, and digital channels.  I’ve talked …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #185: The Hidden Danger of Marketing Preconceptions

Gathering customer insights is so important we’re doing a second show about it. In this follow-up podcast to my discussion with Sonia Sahney, I go into detail about the time I literally went into people’s homes and watched them do their laundry. It’s taking customer insights to the extreme, and …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #184: How to Gather Real Customer Insights, with Sonia Sahney

The key to being customer centric is understanding your customers. And the best way for you, as a marketer, to understand your …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #183: Why Buyer-Driven is Better Than Customer-Centric, with Ardath Albee

B2B buyers are overwhelmed. According to Gartner, 77% of B2B buyers said their latest purchase was complex or difficult. And, sadly, we’re …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #182: Creating Your Company Narrative, with Michelle Chiantera

We all say we put the customer first, but what does that really mean? What actions are you actually taking that show …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #181: How to Be the Best Representative of Your Own Product, with Annie Wissner

Do you understand the product or service you’re selling? I mean, really understand it? I’m often surprised by the number of marketers …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #180: How to Get More Value from B2B Review Sites, with Yoli Chisholm

Review sites are probably among the first places your prospects go when researching your product or service, and yet these sites are …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #179: Your Complete Guide to Analyst Relations, with Drew Tambling

We’re back with our continuing Modern Marketing Plan series. Today it’s all about analyst relations, a critical, yet often overlooked, part of …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #178: Inside the Minds of the World’s CMOs

Ever wonder what’s going through the mind of a CMO? The issues they’re thinking about, and the problems keeping them up at …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #177: How to Build 1:1 Customer Engagement at Scale, with Jordan Neuhauser

Jordan Neuhauser, CMO at Trulli Audio, has a passion for music that is matched only by his passion for authentic customer engagement. …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #176: How to Become a Better Marketer

The key to success for a marketer is to always be learning. And the key to learning is to read. In today’s …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode 175: Using is Believing… the 2nd Moment of Truth

Continuing our modern marketing plan series, we’re looking at the 3rd Moment of Truth — the immediate reaction of a customer actually …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #174: Creating Effective Influencer Relationships, with Marshall Kirkpatrick

In part 2 of my conversation with influencer relations expert, Marshall Kirkpatrick, we answer the pivotal question, “why do I even need …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #173: How to Build an Influencer Relations Program, with Marshall Kirkpatrick

Authentic, genuine relationships between brands and influencers can benefit everyone involved. The brand learns about the market, and the market learns about …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #172: The Secret to Successful B2B Marketing

We’re taking a quick break from our Modern Marketing Plan series to talk about a fascinating article I recently read: “The Blandscape …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #171: A New and Improved “First Moment of Truth”

Part 2 of our deep dive into the modern marketing plan where we explore the “First Moment of Truth,” the point in …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #170: What is Google’s “Zero Moment of Truth”?

We’re well into the 20th century, so why are so many marketers stuck in an outdated broadcast marketing mentality? Today we kick …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #169: I Love a Parade

Everyone loves a parade. Including me. Today we talk about my own participation in the venerable Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and why …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #168: How the Voice of the Customer Fuels CXM

We all say we’re customer centric, but are we really? Today’s episode is all about the customer, specifically the voice of the …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #167: Our Amazing, 1-Year Anniversary Extravaganza

That’s right. A whole year. 167 episodes, and we’re still going strong. In fact, we’re just getting started. So, with a year …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #166: How Beautiful Design Makes a Beautiful Life

It’s marketing day on the Unified-CXM Experience as we explore a gem of an advertising campaign. It’s packed with beautiful people, beautiful …more

Copernican Shift Podcast

Episode #165: Why Good Decisions Can Lead To Bad Outcomes

The average marketing department has 91 martech point solutions. And I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t think that number is …more

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