Advanced English Words

100 Advanced English Words With Meaning

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Today, I’ll teach you some advanced English words. It will expand your advanced vocabulary. You might be thinking, it’s no use learning advanced vocabulary, but there are many benefits of advanced vocabulary.

  • It builds you communication skills and plays an important role in language development.
  • It will help you in improving reading comprehension and writing skills too.
  • Using Advanced English Vocabulary can boost your confident while speaking.
  • It will definitely take your English to next level.
  • Advanced vocabulary help you score high, If you’re thinking to take an English Exam such as IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge C1 Advanced etc.
  • It will also help you in professional success and you will be able to express your ideas clearly.

Well, I would love to describe the advantages of advanced English vocabulary in more detail in another post. Now, let’s learn 100 useful advanced English words with meaning and examples.

Table of Contents

List of 100 Advanced English Words with Meaning and Examples

Learning these advanced English words will make you feel more confident and more fluent when you are speaking English.

So, let’s have a look at 100 advanced English words that can help you to become a impressive communicator.

Advanced Words with A

AmateurMeaning- Not professional.
Example- You are an amateur singer.
AmiableMeaning- Very friendly or pleasant
Example- She is not an amiable girl.
AuspiciousMeaning- Favorable, congruent, propitious.
Example- It was really auspicious day for us!
AbruptMeaning- Sudden, unexpected.
Example- He’s surprised by the abrupt change of exam’s date.
AllyMeaning- Friend, who helps and supports others.
Example- Is she an ally or an enemy?
AscendMeaning- Move up or climb.
Example- He slowly ascended the stairs.
AmbiguousMeaning- Not clear, more than one meaning.
Example- The ending of the story was totally ambiguous.
AvariceMeaning- Greediness, excessive desire for wealth, or gain.
Example- Avarice can make you blind.
AppetiteMeaning- Hunger.
Example- Was he suffering from lack of appetite?
AllegianceMeaning- Loyalty and faithfulness.
Example- It is their allegiance to the country.

Advanced Words With B

BlurryMeaning- Not clear to visible.
Example- These photographs are almost blurry.
BlandMeaning- No flavor, boring.
Example- The soup is a little bland.
BetrayMeaning- Disloyal to someone or something.
Example- Never try to betray anyone.
To betterMeaning- To improve the situation or life.
Example- She is always trying to better herself.

Advanced Words With C

CoherentMeaning- Logical, strategical.
Example- I have a coherent strategy for the exam.
ChaoticMeaning- In a state of chaos (total confusion and disorder).
Example- It was a chaotic situation for us.
CensureMeaning- To express strong disapproval or criticism
Example- We must not censure anybody until we know the truth.
CumulativeMeaning- Increasing quantity, strength or effect
Example- Learning new thing is cumulative process
ConsequenceMeaning- Result, effect or outcome, typically one that’s bad or unpleasant.
Example- That accident was the consequence of his reckless riding.
CourteousMeaning- Respectful, polite.
Example- She was kind-hearted and courteous.

Advanced Words With D

DiligentMeaning- Industrious, hard-working.
Example- Max is always a diligent student.
DismalMeaning- Sad, gloomy, cheerless.
Example- I will not go due to the dismal weather.
DeriveMeaning- To get or obtain something from something else.
Example- I’ll derive great benefit from this magnificent painting.
DenounceMeaning- Criticize someone or something publicly.
Example- Do not denounce her without evidence.
DestructiveMeaning- Causing great damage.
Example- It was the most destructive cyclone in 30 years.
DisloyaltyMeaning- Lack of loyalty, unfaithfulness.
Example- It was result of your disloyalty.
DesultoryMeaning- Unclear plan or purpose.
Example- We should never make a desultory attempt at any exams.

Advanced Words With E

ExtraordinaryMeaning- Exceptional, remarkable.
Example- She is an extraordinary girl.
EagerMeaning- Enthusiastic, very keen.
Example- I am always eager to help others.
ElatedMeaning- Extremely happy and excited.
Example- He was elated when he got a promotion.
EccentricMeaning- Strange or unusual.
Example- She lost her job due to her eccentric behavior.
EnduranceMeaning- Ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult situation.
Example- She has really a great power of endurance!
EloquentMeaning- Fluent in speaking or writing / giving a clear or strong message.
Example- She is so honest and gave an eloquent speech.
EmpathyMeaning- Ability to understand someone else’s feeling or experiences.
Example- I have deep empathy with birds.
EmancipationMeaning- Liberation (free from legal, social, or political restrictions).
Example- Women emancipation is so crucial for the development of a country.
ExcludeMeaning- Prevent the entrance of someone or something.
Example- You must exclude sugar from your daily diet.
EffectiveMeaning- Successful or achieving the result.
Example- The decoration was simple yet effective.

Advanced Words With F

FlowedMeaning- Imperfect.
Example- This diamond ring is flowed.
FabricateMeaning- Make up something fake or untrue.
Example- We should never fabricate anything.
FrugalMeaning- A person who spend only money when something is necessary.
Example- They are honest but frugal.
FamishedMeaning- Extremely hungry.
Example- I’m really exhausted and famished.
FilthyMeaning- Extremely dirty.
Example- Your shirt is filthy. Wash it.
FabricateMeaning- Making something false/ untrue to deceive someone.
Example- She was late, so she fabricated an excuse to avoid the problems.
FrownMeaning- Angry, sad, or confused expression.
Example- Do not frown at her!

Advanced Words With G

GloomyMeaning- Dark, unhappy.
Example- I am tired of this gloomy weather.
GullibleMeaning- Easily to deceived or cheated.
Example- He isn’t a gullible person that he’ll believe in everything.
GenerosityMeaning- Liberality, being generous, or kind.
Example- I am really thankful for your generosity.
Grief Meaning- Great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
Example- It will take years to get over grief at the death of her friend.

Advanced Words With H

HarshMeaning- Unpleasant, unkind, or cruel.
Example- Julia was regretting of her harsh words.
HaughtyMeaning- Unfriendly and disdainfully proud.
Example- Why are you being haughty?
HypocrisyMeaning- Pretending to have qualities or beliefs that one does not really possess.
Example- He is against of hypocrisy, but his colleagues are hypocrites.
HumilityMeaning- Quality of being humble.
Example- Everyone knows that humility is the beginning of the wisdom.
HospitalityMeaning- Friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors
Example- They really showed great hospitality that day!

Advanced Words With I

InconvenientMeaning- causing trouble, discomfort, or difficulties.
Example- It was an inconvenient journey in a crowded bus.
IndolentMeaning- Lazy, inactive, sluggish, slothful or idle
Example- Why are you being indolent today?
InadequateMeaning- Not good enough.
Example- I got inadequate information about it.
InevitableMeaning- Unavoidable.
Example- Death is inevitable.
InfamousMeaning- Famous for something very bad.
Example- She is infamous for her dishonesty.
IrrelevantMeaning- Not related to a subject or something.
Example- This topic is utterly irrelevant.
InferiorMeaning- Worse than the average, lower in rank, quality or status.
Example- He feels inferior to other students in his class.
Impoverished Meaning- Very poor.
Example- They became impoverished during the pandemic.
InconvenientMeaning- Causing trouble, discomfort, or difficulties.
Example- It was an inconvenient journey in a crowded bus.
IntegrityMeaning- Honesty or probity, having moral principles.
Example- Why do you never admire her integrity.
IdenticalMeaning- Very similar or exactly the same.
Example- There were three identical blue balls in the box.
Ingenuous Meaning- Honest, sincere, innocent.
Example- She is an ingenuous and strong lady.
IllegibleMeaning- Not clear enough to read.
Example- Her signature is almost illegible.

Advanced Words With L

LegibleMeaning- Clear enough to read.
Example- My handwriting is neat and legible.
LegitimateMeaning- Valid or allowed by rules or laws, legal.
Example- His business is perfectly legitimate.
LenientMeaning- Generous liberal.
Example- Our principal is very lenient.

Advanced Words With M

MandatoryMeaning- Required by law or rule.
Example- Education is Mandatory.
MediocreMeaning- Average, not so good.
Example- He is a mediocre student.
MonotonousMeaning- No change, always same, or boring.
Example- The teacher lecture was really monotonous.
MeticulousMeaning- Very careful about anything.
Example- I am really meticulous about my goals.
Moderate Meaning- Average in intensity, amount, degree, or strength.
Example- The weather is clear, and the temperature is moderate today.
MinorityMeaning- The smaller part or number.
Example- Only a minority of the students had participated in that contest.
MajorityMeaning- The greater part or number.
Example- The majority of people were in favor of banning smoking in that area.
MiserableMeaning- Extremely unhappy or depressed.
Example- She had a miserable life in slum.
MercilessMeaning- Cruel, heartless, pitiless.
Example- He was such a merciless person.
MesmerizeMeaning- Fascinate, captivate or hypnotize.
Example- He was mesmerized by the beautiful voice of that girl.

Advanced Words With O

ObsoleteMeaning- No longer used, out of date.
Example- We have got to replace some obsolete equipment.
OpponentMeaning- Competitor, contender.
Example- She is his opponent in the race.
ObscureMeaning- Not clear and difficult to see or understand.
Example- That meaning of that poem is full of obscure.
OpaqueMeaning- Not transparent.
Example- That window glass is slightly opaque.
OutgoingMeaning- Friendly.
Example- She is shy, but her sister is outgoing.
OutspokenMeaning- Too direct, or frank in speak.
Example- She told me that she didn’t like my dress. She’s outspoken.

Advanced Words With P

PreciousMeaning- Valuable, very special.
Example- Time is the most precious thing in life.
PatheticMeaning- pitiful, very bad, miserable, useless
Example- That incident was just a pathetic moment for them.
PromptMeaning- Immediate, quick.
Example- Thank you for your prompt respond.
PungentMeaning- Very strong taste or smell, strong effect.
Example- The taste of this soup is bitter and pungent.

Advanced Words With R

RecklessMeaning- Careless of consequences.
Example- You mustn’t be reckless while driving.
Resilient Meaning- Strong, who can recover quickly.
Example- Don’t worry about her. She’s a resilient girl
RelevantMeaning- Related to a subject or something.
Example- I have some relevant information on this point.
RectifyMeaning- Make right or correct.
Example- I don’t know how to rectify this situation now
RejoiceMeaning- Great happiness.
Example- We rejoice in her achievement.

Advanced Words With S

StarlingMeaning- Very surprising or very frightening.
Example- We had a starling story to tell.
StudiousMeaning- Who loves to study a lot.
Example- He is polite and studious too.

Meaning- Full of sorrow, great sadness.
Example- It was such a sorrowful news for them.


Meaning- Importance.
Example- That historical monument has great significance for everyone.

StrengthenMeaning- Make or become stronger and effective.
Example- Regular exercise plays a significant role to strengthen the muscles.
SpendthriftMeaning- Who spends a lot of money.
Example- Are you a spendthrift?

Advanced Words With T

TrustworthyMeaning- Able to be trusted.
Example- That company isn’t trustworthy and safe for working.
TremendousMeaning- Very great in amount or level.
Example- You have made a tremendous progress in your English.
TragedyMeaning- Extremely sad situation or event.
Example- The traffic accident on that road was tragedy.
TactfulMeaning- Sensitive, careful.
Example- This is a tactful way to solve it.

Advanced Words With V

Vigorous Meaning- Strong, healthy.
Example- You need a vigorous exercise daily.
VanishMeaning- Disappear suddenly or stop existing.
Example- Your smile vanished once again. What’s wrong with you?
VastMeaning- Large in size, amount, or degree.
Example- I need enough time to complete the syllabus as it’s too vast.
VagueMeaning- Not clear.
Example- Your answer is absolutely vague on this topic.
VitalMeaning- Extremely important/ necessary.
Example- Kidneys play a vital role in our body.
VirtueMeaning- Noble quality, morality.
Example- Being humble to others is virtue.
Virtual Meaning- Real, genuine.
Example- Where is the virtual owner of the factory.

Advanced Words With W, Z

WittyMeaning- Too clever or intelligent.
Example- She is witty and kind.
WageMeaning- Salary
Example- She gets a decent wage.
WorthwhileMeaning- Worth the time and effort.
Example- It was an exhausting work, but it was really worthwhile.
WoeMeaning- Extreme sadness.
Example- The ending of the story was full of woe.
ZealMeaning- Enthusiasm.
Example- Show zeal on the occasion of a festival.

Try to use these advanced words in your own speech and writing because this is the best way to learn and memorize new words.

If you really want to master these advanced English words, you need to practice with using these words in your daily life when the opportunity arises.

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