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Piers Morgan declares war on Jeremy Clarkson

The ceasefire is over!

Piers Morgan has announced that the “four-year ceasefire” in his long-running feud with Jeremy Clarkson has been breached thanks to a jibe the presenter made about him on Who Want To Be Millionaire.

In his latest column for the Mail On Sunday’s Event magazine, the Good Morning Britain host wryly admitted the pair have been enjoying a form of “simmering peace” in recent years.

Piers and Jeremy Clarkson, pictured together in 2014, have been enjoying a “ceasefire”… until now (Credit: Twitter)

“Ever since Jeremy Clarkson texted me at 1am in 2014 to end our bitter ten-year feud, we have enjoyed the kind of simmering peace that Donald Trump currently enjoys with Kim Jong Un: all beaming grins and over-warm handshakes whenever we meet, but just one false move away from all-out nuclear war,” he wrote.

However, he said this could all be undone following a question about Pier’s breakfast show coming up on the ITV quiz.

The question asked which TV show Susanna Reid co-presents, and the contestant admitted she had never watched it but knew the answer was Good Morning Britain.

jeremy clarkson (credit: ITV)
Piers is irked by a quip Jeremy made on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (Credit: ITV)

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To this, former Top Gear host Jeremy quipped: “You don’t watch it because of Piers Morgan, presumably? I haven’t watched it either.”

Piers admitted the comment has made his blood boil – even though he only found out about it via Twitter, joking that he “doesn’t watch anything Clarkson does – on medical advice”.

Piers, 53, continued: “This is a clear breach of the four-year ceasefire and, obviously, there will have to be a retaliatory strike. I just haven’t decided the exact weaponry or planned scale of devastation.”

gmb piers morgan susanna reid
Jeremy made a jibe about not watching Piers on Good Morning Britain (Credit: ITV)

Given their previous spats have involved punches being thrown and drinks thrown at one another, Jeremy better watch his back!

However, Piers’ retribution might have to wait until he’s back to full health as he’s recently been in hospital for a gastroscopy, joking that a vegan sausage roll he ate was to blame. 

Piers Morgan (Credit: Instagram @thepiersmorgan)
The GMB host recently shared a selfie from his hospital bed (Credit: Instagram)

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The presenter is due to be back on our screens on Monday so his fans can tune in then to hear an update on his health. But one person who won’t be watching it seems is Clarkson!

Do you prefer Piers Morgan or Jeremy Clarkson? Leave us a comment on  our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Nancy Brown
Associate Editor

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