Have you ever felt like no one believes in you? especially when taking on a larger than life task that seems impossible.

Without support, it makes it easier to quit and go back to a normal life. But you cannot let others choose the outcome of your life.

If you’re truly passionate about turning your dream into a reality, you can do it. Let no one convince you otherwise.

This is how you stay motivated when no one can see your vision.

1. Know Your Mission

Clarity equals power. To stay motivated in pursuit of your big goal or dream, you have to get clear about what you’re trying to accomplish and why you’re trying to accomplish it. Why you’re doing it, is more important than what you’re doing.

As legendary motivational speaker, Eric Thomas said, “If your why don’t make you cry, then that’s not your why.” Write it down, affirm it, and review your vision every single day. Become obsessed with completing the next step towards your mission and leave no doubt when you get home that you gave everything.

2. Focus on Alone Time

As the great Albert Einstein said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” If no one is believing in you, it’s up to you to build inner belief by getting clear and focusing on your goal.

Spend time meditating, journaling, and enjoying peace and quiet. Listen to motivational videos, read the best books on self growth you can find, and remind yourself daily why you’re doing this.

Each morning, make an effort to spend some time alone. This is one of the easiest ways to gain clarity and start to build belief within yourself. While it’s important to socialise, most often it’s when you are alone that you will learn the answers to life’s toughest questions.

5 Ways To Stay Motivated When No One Believes In You The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind. @FEARLESSMOTIVATIONOFFICIAL _ Albert Einstein quote lonely loner single alone self driven purpose why determined never give up

3. Follow The Footsteps of Success

Unless you’re trying to live on the sun, chances are someone has already done what you want to do. Or at least some version of it. That should be extremely motivating.

Instead of trying to do it all on your own, you should start modeling what they did and learn from them where possible. Read their book, buy their course or hire a coach in that field. Even try to contact the person you’re modelling directly, you’ll be amazed at how far genuine passion will get you.

I recommend finding 3-5 people who are doing what you want to do and start following on social media if you don’t already. Then, reach out to them, learn from them and most importantly outwork them.

Study them, and soon enough you will end up being one of them. I’m sure they all fought off endless amounts of criticism too! When you do make it big, you can give back by helping the next person achieve their dreams.

4. Celebrate The Small Wins

When no one believes in you, it’s up to you to create your own momentum. Small wins are crucial when you’re trying to do something massive. While it’s easy to skip the small wins, your mind is actually craving the dopamine hit you get from them.

Each day before you go to bed, try and write out three wins for the day. Whether it’s hitting the gym, making that tough call, stepping closer to your goal or whatever else. It’s a great habit to build momentum and confidence within yourself.

Forgetting your small wins & focusing only on the fact you haven’t ‘made it’ yet or achieved your current goal, will set you up for failure. Small wins over time lead to massive accomplishments!

5. Meet New People Regularly

If your friends and family are turning into your biggest opposition to success, it’s time to change it up. If the people that you spend the most time with don’t believe in you or your vision, they are dragging you down.

While they might mean well, it’s not going to help you. To become successful or make a big change you have to have positive and supportive people around you 100% of the time. If you want it bad enough you must be strong enough to break the chains and surround yourself with those that support your vision. If no one believes in you, you know you’re in the wrong room.

Find people who are most likely to support you and your dreams. Whether it’s finding a Facebook group, attending a seminar or watching  Fearless Motivation videos. As I’ve started doing all of these activities I’ve found my momentum increases and attitudes shift dramatically.

Memorize the words of Ray Robinson, “To be a champion, you must believe in yourself when no one else does.”

Purpose Self Belief Stay Motivation

About The Author


Michael loves to write about self-improvement, motivation, and teach people how to create a successful future. Find more of his work at inspireyoursuccess.com.

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