Robert Knight 相片擁有者:Robert Knight

075 BMW 635 CSi Group A Homeage (1984)

BMW 635 CSi (E24) (1976-89) Engine 3500cc S6 M30 DOHC

Race HTCC Car Challenge incorporating the Tony Dron Trophy

Livery Marlboro

Drivers on Livery Gerhard Berger

Donington Drivers 26 Shane Bland (GB) and Andre DCruze (GB))




Mechanically similar to the 5-series saloons and styled by Karmann like the preceding 3.0CS/CSi, BMW's 6-Series coupé debuted in 1976 incorporating some components destined for the yet-to-be-announced 7-Series. Well specified with all-independent suspension, four-wheel disc brakes and power-assisted steering as standard. It replaced the long running 3.0CS series,Commencing with the 3.0-litre 630 and 3.3-litre 633, the range was supplemented in 1978 by the 635CSi, which would enjoy a production run lasting into the 1990s, being periodically up-dated in line with its sister models. BMW fitted its luxury coupé with a big-bore, short-stroke, race-developed, 3.5-litre engine producing 218bhp, good enough to endow the fully equipped 635CSi with performance on a par with that of the lightweight 3.0CSL. A deep chin spoiler and boot spoiler outwardly distinguished


This car is superbly engineered and correctly presented homage to a Berger/ Marlboro FIA Group 'A', 635. Built by Geoff Steel over the winter of

2015/2016 for the Peter Auto Heritage Touring Car series. Original E24 shell from Italian 635. Stripped and dipped with a rebuilt t full-race engine-310bhp, 5-speed box, T45 cage, 100-litre fuel cell, FIA safety equipment. It's based on an original 12-valve (M30B35) engined E24 635CSi purchased from Southern Italy as a road legal car and converted to a full blown race car to recreate the famous Marlboro/BMW 'Group A' Touring Car as driven by Gerhard Berger in 1985


Diolch am olygfa anhygoel, 64,310,946

oblogaeth y Lloegr honno dros y Mynyddoedd


Thanks for a stonking 64,310,946, views


Shot 05.05.2018 at Donington Historic Festival, Donington Park, Leic Ref 133-075







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