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Hong Kong IPO Information:中集车辆(1839.HK)

2019-06-28 Kim Eng为***
Hong Kong IPO Information:中集车辆(1839.HK)

Stock Code上市代號 1839.HK IPO Name股份名稱 CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co., Ltd. 中集車輛(集團)股份有限公司 Offer Price (HK$) 招股價(港元) 6.38 - 8.08 Lot Size (shares) 交易單位(股) 500 No. of Hong Kong Offer Share香港發售股數 26,500,000 No. of Global Offer Share全球發售股數 265,000,000 Sponsor保薦人 Haitong International Capital Limited Public Application Period招股日期 27 June 2019 (Thu) - 3 July 2019 (Wed) Application Deadline via Kim Eng經金英申請截止日期 2 July 2019 (Tue) 12:00 n.n. Fixed Date定價日期 3 July 2019 (Wed) Announcement Date公佈售股結果日期 10 July 2019 (Wed) Refund Date退款日期 10 July 2019 (Wed) Listing Date上市日期 11 July 2019 (Thu) Prospectus招股書 CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co., Ltd. *HK$8.08 per Offer Share plus brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% (payable in full on application in Hong Kong dollars and subject to refund) *每股發售股份8.08港元,另加1%經紀佣金、0.0027%證監會交易徵費及0.005%聯交所交易費(須於申請時以港元繳足,多繳股款可根據最終定價予以退還) DISCLAIMERS: This document is prepared for internal/general circulation and for information purposes only and under no circumstances should it be considered or intended as an offer to sell, to subscribe for or purchase any securities or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities referred to herein. Information provided in this document is strictly confidential. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by the terms and limitations set out herein and to keep any information communicated or disclosed in this document in strict confidence. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but such sources have not been independently verified by Kim Eng Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, its subsidiary and affiliates (collectively, “KESHK”) and consequently no representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this document by KESHK and it should not be relied upon as such. Accordingly, KESHK and its officers, directors, associates, connected parties and/or employees (collectively, “Representatives”) shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential losses or damages that may arise from the use or reliance of this document. This document or any information contained herein does not constitute any investment recommendation or advice. For the purpose of this document, the securities of the company to be offered as mentioned under this document shall be referred to as “Company”. No part of this document shall form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. This document is for information purpose only and you should read the prospectus or other offering circular to be issued by the Company for detailed information about the proposed offer. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and will not be updated to reflect material developments which may occur after the date of this document. KESHK, nor any of their respective directors, supervisors, senior officers, employees, affiliates, advisers or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any direct or indirect loss however arising from any use of this document or its contacts or otherwise arising in connection with this document. This document is prepared for internal circulation only and may not be reproduced, altered in any way, transmitted to, copied, distributed or communicated, directly or indirectly, to any other party in whole or in part in any form or manner without the prior express written consent of KESHK and KESHK and its Representatives accept no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the distribution of this document or the information contained herein (in whole or in part) in jurisdictions outside Hong Kong may be subject to the legal limitation and restrictions in such jurisdictions.



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