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Home » News » Samsung makes Adobe Lightroom the official photo-editing app for the Galaxy S23 series

Samsung makes Adobe Lightroom the official photo-editing app for the Galaxy S23 series

(Image Credit Google)
The official photo-editing program for Samsung's new Galaxy S23 devices will be Adobe Lightroom, which can work with raw-format photographs. Through this default editor, users can modify the ISO, aperture settings, and shutter speed. During the Galaxy Unpacked, Samsung disclosed that it is working with Adobe to deliver cutting-edge photo editing to smartphones. In order to edit photos, the Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, and S23 Ultra will only require Adobe Lightroom. Photos taken with smartphones are often stored in JPEG, HEIC, and other conventional formats. However, raw images taken with the Galaxy S23s will use Adobe's proprietary Digital Negative Format, which provides better image quality and more editing options, including exposure, color balance, sharpening, and more. According to the reports,  the default photo editor on the Galaxy S23 series, once a user has taken a picture using Samsung's Expert Raw camera software, they can access it immediately in Lightroom with just one tap. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]Lightroom is the Galaxy S23 Ultra's official photo-editing software Image credit- 9To5Google[/caption] These devices will not come with Lightroom already installed. Users will be prompted to install it, though. Stephen Baloglu, the head of marketing for Adobe Photography, verified that the software for phones is free to use. However, users will need to pay an additional $10 per month to subscribe in order to access some premium features like laptop synchronization. Fortunately, a two-month free trial of Lightroom is included with these phones. Preorders for the Galaxy S23 Series are currently open on Samsung's website and at other stores. The entry-level model costs $799 and comes with a $50 Samsung credit. While the Galaxy S23+ will cost $1,199 when it launches, the S23 Ultra will cost $1,379 for a 256GB model. https://www.gadgetany.com/news/adobe-eliminates-100-jobs-in-sales-and-joins-other-businesses-in-doing-so-to-cut-costs/ According to Google, this is the ideal tool, particularly for the S23 Ultra, which has a 200MP main sensor and employs pixel binning and other techniques to make dark and light photographs come to life. In addition, the gadget boasts two 10MP sensors with 3x and 10x telephoto lenses and a 12MP ultrawide camera. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Samsung's Galaxy S23 Smartphones Use Lightroom for RAW Photo Editing |  PetaPixel Image credit- PetaPixel[/caption] This will include 8K at 30 fps and 4K at 60 fps ultra-high dynamic ranges, it was revealed at the Galaxy Unpacked. The S23 Ultra now has a new feature called Astro Hyperlapse that makes it possible to record images of the Milky Way and other celestial bodies in the night sky. Nightography, which uses the camera's built-in transformative AI to take the greatest low-light images and movies, was also on display at the event. A few filmmakers were invited by Samsung to utilize the brand-new Galaxy S23 Ultra to record their upcoming movies. This contains Faith by Na Hong-Jin and the upcoming Behold by Ridley Scott. Ridley declared: "I found it to be a really fascinating task and a terrific one. Because the small object—which is fantastic—will replace all of the large cameras, which is frightening."

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.

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