GNC - Zinnia Elegans Multi Layer Flower Pokok Bunga 百日菊
GNC - Zinnia Elegans Multi Layer Flower Pokok Bunga 百日菊
Price RM18.00
Brand GreenishCity
Points Needed 1800
Availability Pre-Order
Shipping Fee
Malaysia Starting from RM9.66
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Light: Full-sun

Water: Moderate water

Type: Ornamental flower

Soil: Well-drained soils

Zinnia Elegans Multi Layer Flower Pokok Bunga 百日菊

Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. One of the easiest annuals to grow, zinnia flowers bring an explosion of color wherever they go.

Just Plant ONLY (packed with wrap film, with/without plastic pot, ensure soil won't come out)

We do not entertain URGENT or RUSH order, kindly chat with us prior to order.

Normal days, order will ship out within 24hrs-48hrs

Once Order is placed and confirmed, we will Send Picture to you.

We cannot be responsible for any issue such as shipping delay, damages to the box, leaves burnt etc as they are live plant delivery, we did our best to pack and deliver and we have zero control on courier. Do track your orders and arrange self pick up to minimise delay issue.

Item will be packed carefully and professionally. Soil will be wrapped to minimize soil dropping, some leaves or branches might be bend. We will withhold the position the best we could, do chat with us if you received bad packaging.

We DO NOT accept returns or refunds as it’s shared risk among sellers and buyers for online plants delivery, but we are experienced online retailers for plants, and we promised to pack and deliver within our best efforts.

If u can't tolerate minor defects such as burnt leaves, broken leaves/flower bud which are not intentional, please buy and support your own neighbourhood nursery.

***** The terms above will be superseding platform's policy as it's live plant delivery, we do not provide return or refund as it's shared risks between buyers and sellers.*****

Orders from EAST Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak) will be accepted and processed, but we hold NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANY issues such as shipping delay, custom clearance etc.

Do replant & water your plants once you receive the plant. Do search for planting advice if you need any.  

There are no fix watering schedule as time/location/humidity/sunlight location/wetness might change even in the same spot.


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