
Diablo 4 Softcore or Hardcore mode? All differences and features explained

Diablo 4 Softcore or Hardcore mode? All differences and features explained
Images via Blizzard
Playstation Console Xbox PC Games

Written by 

Harry Boulton


2nd Jun 2023 16:38

You might be struggling to figure out whether to pick Softcore or Hardcore mode in Diablo 4, as the differences can have quite a severe impact on how you play the game. Hardcore can be great if you're looking to add a bit of extra thrill to your Diablo play sessions, but you will need to be careful as it drastically affects your character in the game.

Thankfully we've got all of the differences between the Softcore and Hardcore modes within this guide, alongside a suggestion of which one to pick in Diablo 4 if you're really unsure.

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What is the difference between Softcore and Hardcore mode in Diablo 4?

Screenshot of combat with Ghouls in Diablo 4
Click to enlarge

The main difference between Softcore and Hardcore mode in Diablo 4 is that Hardcore offers a permadeath experience, whereas Softcore will allow you to continue without dying.

What this means in essence is that dying with Hardcore mode enabled will 'delete' your character, meaning that you will have to start all over again with a new character from the beginning.

While this might sound horrifying to some players, others do relish in the challenge that it brings, and thrive under the innate pressure to stay alive. It certainly lives up to its name and will have you on the edge of your seat every time you enter a combat encounter.

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Should you choose Softcore or Hardcore mode in Diablo 4?

Screenshot of combat in the Beaconing Labyrinth in Diablo 4
Click to enlarge

You should definitely choose the Softcore mode if you're a new or casual player in Diablo 4 then we think to avoid any unnecessary challenge or pain to your playthrough. As your playtime can easily reach over 100 hours, the last thing that any standard player will want is to lose hours of progress to a simple death.

Don't presume that you won't be punished for dying in Softcore mode though, as you will lose a small amount of aspects like Gold and experience when you kick the bucket, so the challenge and punishment for failure is still there.

However, Hardcore might be the right choice for seasoned players who are wanting to add extra spice to a playthrough. If you feel like you've seen it all in the depths of hell, then putting your skills to the test with permadeath can really invigorate each battle.

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You might want to still leave this for a second or side playthrough, however, as there is so much to enjoy and see within Diablo 4 that you won't want to miss out on, as shown within our excellent review.

So, that's everything you need to know about the Softcore and Hardcore modes in Diablo 4, with a suggestion for which you should pick if you're at a crossroads.

Check out our dedicated Diablo game page to see all of the latest news and guides, as there is so much for you to catch up on and learn.

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Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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