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Reeling from a painful break-up, English instructor and avid book lover Wesley Smith is haunted by his ex-girlfriend's parting shot: "Why can't you just read off the computer like everyone else?" He buys an e-book reader out of spite, but soon finds he can use the device to glimpse realities he had never before imagined, discovering literary riches beyond his wildest dreams...and all-too-human tragedies that surpass his most terrible nightmares.
    Genres Horror Fiction Short Stories Fantasy Science Fiction Audiobook Thriller

61 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 12, 2009

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October 9, 2021
September 19, 2017
November 6, 2011
"Kindle Ur King"

I confess! I have committed a sin I have avoided reading novels from The Grandmaster writer Stephen King!
I repent! I will make my upmost effort in reading my way through The Dark Tower series, one book a month minimum.
King was one of the first to delve into publishing via the kindle from this genre. This novella will be looked upon in the future as the genesis of the kindle era. His talent is to turn anything into a craft from kindle to Riding the Bullet. Great creative story.

EXCERPT “ Does this gadget of yours have a smell?” “Nope,” Henderson replied. “Not really. But when you turn the pages…here, with this button…they kind of flutter, like in a real book, and I can go to any page I want, and when it sleeps, it shows pictures of famous writers, and it holds a charge” ”

“ “The Tower trembles; the worlds shudder in their courses. The rose feels a chill, as ofwinter.” ”

“ What seemed major—what loomed over his life and very sanity—were the riches hidden within that slim pink panel of plastic. He thought of all the writers whose passing he had mourned, from Norman Mailer and Saul Bellow to Donald Westlake and Evan Hunter; one after another, Thanatos stilled the magic voices and they spoke no more. But now they could. They could speak to him. He threw back the bedclothes. The Kindle was calling him. Not in a human voice, but in an organic one. It sounded like a beating heart, Poe’s tell-tale heart, coming from inside his briefcase instead of from under the floorboards, and— Poe! Good God, he had never checked Poe! ”

December 16, 2015
While I was listening to this one, I said to a friend on Google Chat, "You know... it's crazy how much Stephen King affects me.
I'm listening to this audio book and I have a knot in my stomach out of nervousness." This about sums up what I love about Stephen King. Even in his shortest stories, he is able to take me out of my world and transplant me into the one he's created. He's able to make me not only know his characters, but care about them and root for them and worry for their well-being.

I wish that this was something that more authors understood. It's not enough to tell me a story if I don't like or don't understand the characters in it. It's not enough to craft a complicated or ingenious plot if I can't identify with the people in the story enough to put myself in their place. I have never had an issue with identifying with a King character. I may not like them, but I don't have to like them, because, like real people, they have a life of their own and do with it what they will. What they do is organic and true to their characters, and isn't shaped by King into something fake to fit the storyline.

I don't mean to harp on like this, but it always amazes me how much I fall in love with King's characters -- especially after I've read other books where the characters are flat, lifeless things that just move from scene to scene doing whatever the storyline requires without a personality or free will of their own. Alright... harping to stop..... Now.

I loved the concept of this book, and it thrilled me to no end seeing the King universe tied into the story. The connection didn't feel as unplanned as some of his other books do, more like he sought to write a book that tied in the Dark Tower series with a story about a Kindle, but even so it was pretty cool. I loved the concept of what the UR edition Kindle could do. I would absolutely be searching out more of King's works... I would have to cover the Kindle in plastic to avoid ruining it by drool, but still... I would be in heaven.

If you haven't read this one, I recommend it. It's a short read, the audio is great, and it's a mind-trip, like most of the DT stuff is. :)
June 25, 2019
I don’t know that I’ve ever yearned from something as terrifying as Wesley’s pink Kindle.
“A crazy certainty had arisen in his mind: a hand - or perhaps a claw - was going to swim up from the grayness of the Kindle's screen, grab him by the throat, and yank him in.”

Imagine a world ten years in the past. Electronic books and e-readers are just beginning to take the world by storm. Wesley Smith is a college English literature professor who, after a nasty breakup partially over his distaste for the new trend of reading on a device, has decided to bite the bullet and purchase his first ever Kindle from Amazon. It arrives sooner than it should, sans instructions and sporting an odd pink color instead of the white of all other Kindles. Also unusual is the fact that, under the ‘Experimental’ section is a handful of subsections called Urs. Ur is evidently representative of alternate realities in which authors lived longer or died younger, attached themselves to different genres or penned more and greater works than are present in our reality. If this doesn’t sound like an incredible and awe-inspiring addition to the Kindle store, you and I view the world very differently.
“He also dreamed. No images; only words. Titles! Endless lines of titles, many of them of undiscovered masterpieces. As many titles as there were stars in the sky.”

Unfortunately, there is more information about these other worlds available, and Wesley (along with a student and a fellow professor) plumbs the depths of how these other worlds differ from ours, and what events led to those variations. This information is enough to fracture even the strongest minds. But what really sets Wesley on a collision course with destruction is his discovery of information that will impact his own world, and the decisions he makes with that information could come back to bite him.
“Most people are optimists, although they may claim they are not. People who call themselves realists are often the biggest optimists of all.”

One of the most fun aspects of this little story, besides the amazing pink Kindle, is how it relates to other works from King. There’s a strong nod to 11/22/63, but the deepest link is with The Dark Tower. I’ve only ever read The Gunslinger, but this story rekindled (see what I did there?) my interest in the series. I’m now insanely curious and will hopefully get back to the Tower in the near future.
“The Tower trembles; the worlds shudder in their courses. The rose feels a chill, as of winter.”

Surprise of surprises, I actually loved the ending to this little story. While there are elements of the concept that are undeniably scary, there was a level of happiness to the climax that left me feeling content. I just really wish I could find this magical Kindle. I think I could stay away from looking into the happenings of the other realities if I could just read new works from favorite authors. Isn’t that a literary daydream held by countless bookworms?
“Because sometimes longshots came in. Both for good and for ill.”

A final note: I love that this wasn’t available in a physical form for the first nearly six years of its life. First published as an ebook in 2009, UR didn’t make its first physical debut until its publication as part of King’s 2015 short story collection, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. Isn’t that poetic?
February 1, 2018
July 18, 2012
...... what the hell is this crap?! If you check out my reviews you'll know I am a serious SK fan, for over 12 years I have practically devoured any and everything he's written and while I can't list them all among my favorites, I will say I usually can find SOMETHING in them that garners a bit of affection for the story. Not with this dreck, I have never been more disappointed! I was so excited to find an SK novel exclusive to Kindle readers, and just like Charlie before me I could hardly contain my joy at finding my "golden ticket." I checked out the reviews and they were mixed but I usually make my own decisions about things like this so I ordered it anyhow... I should have listened to the reviews. It's almost as if he said "How can I exploit the success of my more popular novels without actually doing any real work?" Also why the Kindle infomercials, if this story is only available on Kindle doesn't it stand to reason that we already have a Kindle we're reading it on?! If I wanted a product description or quick start guide I would have read the crap that came in the box when I brought my own (possibly with much more satisfaction than this novella.) Such a disappointment (I know, I know, repetitious but true)and I KNOW my favorite author can do better. The book I'm currently in the middle of Full Dark, No Stars is a testament to that.

*EDIT* After my cooling off period I have come back to add on ONE additional star because I did like the premise of alternate dimensions and realities and an endless mine of untapped literary gold. That's like bookworm porn so 2 stars for that SK.... but none for the rest of it.
November 2, 2011
August 7, 2014
UR is an extremely short novella, and also happened to be my introduction to Stephen King. The premise is pretty fascinating - a university English professor, Wesley Smith, orders an Amazon Kindle after a fight with his girlfriend, during which she rages at him for spending too much time reading books. When the device arrives (with alarming speed), it's inexplicably pink, and has a mysterious menu called 'UR Functions'. Wesley quickly realises that this menu gives him the ability to read a plethora of previously unheard-of works by famous writers. At first he assumes this is some kind of elaborate hoax, but the more he reads, the more he becomes convinced that the books are genuine, and that the Kindle offers a portal into alternate realities where they really have been written. But this discovery grows into an obsession and, of course, it comes at a price...

The story is a fun spin on the idea of ardent readers being hostile towards new technology, and the idea of having access to millions of undiscovered parallel-universe books by your favourite authors is thrilling - any book-lover can imagine how addictive this would be. It really is a short story, though, and although I loved the plot (especially the ) - and wished I could have explored the 'URs' further - I wasn't convinced by the characters and found some of the dialogue a bit off. Altogether, although this has made me interested in reading some of King's full-length novels, it hasn't exactly left me chomping at the bit to do so.
October 25, 2017
January 7, 2012
November 18, 2009
June 8, 2015
February 8, 2016
March 25, 2021

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