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Rebecca's Barn Spanking: bare bottom spanking, corporal punishment, F/f domestic discipline story of errant teenager getting a good old fashion strapping, spanked by an older woman who owns the farm.

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Rebecca is a freshman student at The Academy, a small, private boarding college catering to physically gifted and equally intelligent student athletes. It's run by an all female staff that are warm and nurturing but also do not hesitate to deliver bare bottom spankings to misbehaved students. She works part-time on the farm owned by Mrs. Marjorie, one of The Academy's founding sisters, who already warned her last week about coming in late. On her way to work, she talks to her friend Julia, as well as, stops to gawk, at hot new student Jordan, and totally loses track of time, causing her to be late once again. This wayward behavior isn't going to fly with Mrs. Marjorie, who quickly marches her into the barn for a good old fashion bare bottom strapping.

This is a short "teaser" spanking story that compliments the series "The Academy", and features many of the same characters. It can be read and enjoyed as a stand alone story without reading the entire series. However, for those that want the maximum impact, I suggest reading the books from this series in order.

The events in this story focus on Rebecca, on Saturday morning, the day of the annual Kick-Off Dance. It all happens concurrently, and creatively ties-in to (The Academy - Book 2).

Please This story
Bare bottom spanking
F/f spanking with strap
Forced exposure
Corporal punishment & discipline
Teenager spanked by older woman

If any of these topics don't interest you, please do not download, read, or purchase this story. It's not for you. It's intended for readers that love bare bottom spanking & discipline stories.

18 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 16, 2022

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