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三毛集 #4

梦里花落知多少Never-flower in Never-dream

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Never-flower in Never-dream is one of the most serious works by San Mao. The sudden demise of José brought huge impact to her life. However peaceful the tone in the book seems, pains of being parted by death cannot be covered, while her strong will rising out of the grief makes this affectionate lady even more beautiful. With her seemingly profound pen, she expresses the courage to walk out of the sullen shadows. Nonetheless, fickleness of fate also makes San Mao understand that one can miss and cling to the other so long as he or she ever loves so deep.
    Genres China Fiction Travel Chinese Literature

315 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1981

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About the author

September 3, 2020

208-Meng li hua luo zhi duo shao-Sanmao-Essay-1981

- before marriage beard asked me a very strange words: "You want how much of a husband?" I said: "see not pleasing to the eye, then, millionaires do not marry; see Italian billionaire is also Marry." "Speaking of which, you always want to marry a rich man." "There are exceptions." I sighed. "What if you follow me?" he asked naturally. "Then just forget the money you have enough to eat . " He thought for a while, and then asked: "Do you eat more?" I answered very carefully: "Not much, not much. You can eat less in the future."

"How Much Do You Know About Flowers in Dreams" was first published in Taiwan in 1981. It mainly records San Mao's grief after Jose's death and the process of slowly walking out of the haze. The sentimental atmosphere lingers throughout the book is a representative of San Mao's later style.

Sanmao was born in Chongqing Huangjue (jué) Ya (yà) in 1943 and died in 1991. It used to be named Chen Mao (mào) Ping and later changed its name to Chen Ping. He studied at Taipei Cultural University, University of Madrid, and Goethe Institute in Germany. In 1948, he moved to Taiwan with his parents. In 1967, went to Spain to study. In 1973, he settled in the Spanish Sahara Desert and married Jose. In 1979, her husband Jose was killed in an accident during diving. On January 4, 1991, he hanged himself to death. Representative works: " Story of the Sahara ", "How much do you know about the flowers in your dream", "Crying Camel", "The Rainy Season Is Not Coming", etc.

Part of the catalog
1 Phoenix
2 Tomorrow
3 Clouds are in the green hills and the moon is in the sky
4 return
5 Dreams outside the dream
6 Flightless Angel
7 The Return of Deja Vu
8 How much do you know in the dream?
9 A boy's love
10 My writing life

I have friends of Jose San Mao Zhi Lian been discussed. It can be clearly seen that there are obvious differences between us.

DM: Sanmao and Jose are probably the most desperate and full encounter of all worldly love.
They showed me the Sahara Desert, which is blooming because of friendship, and also saw the unscrupulous and complementary nature of youth.
Probably the last time, it was Yu Ji who drew her sword on the banks of the Wujiang River...
In this long history, there has never been a lack of earth-shattering encounters, but only loss reminds the constant flow of people: friendship is never a simple matter, natural disasters cannot be avoided, not to mention man-made disasters where there are people.
You and me, you can only try to bless the world and try to be a good person. Don't touch what shouldn't be touched, don't be greedy for what shouldn't be. Perhaps that way, if history runs over, we will not become bad people who think we are good people.

Me: There are actually many examples of this, not just the overlord Yuji and Sanmao Jose. Lu You, Tang Wan, spring as old, empty and thin, tear-stained red sharks. Peach blossom falls, leisure pond pavilion. Although the mountain league is there, the Jinshu is hard to trust. Cangyang Gyatso and his unknown lover have both peace and harmony in the world.
Recently, I just finished reading "Love in the Time of Cholera", and I have thought a lot about the topic of love, and I feel it. What you mean here is falling in love without being together, and there are many, many types of love tragedies, such as unrequited love. For example, although it is not a parting, it is an objective obstacle in other aspects.
Secondly, these well-known examples are only a few of them. In fact, I think more of them happen to ordinary people. Does terminal illness count? Are natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis counted? The countless ordinary people described in "Poor and uncertain riverside bones are still in the dreams of spring boudoirs", their feelings are not necessarily lighter than Jose Sanmao, and the life and death they suffer may not be lighter than that of the overlord Yuji. Anonymous is not known.

DM: You and Tang Wan, Tang Wan back Reproduction: the world situation thin, human evil, rain sent yellow dim easy to fall. Xiao air dried, tears left. I want to comment on my thoughts, and speak alone. Difficult, difficult, difficult! People become different, today is not yesterday, sick souls are often like swings. The sound of the horn is cold, and the night fades. Afraid of people asking questions, pretending to be happy with tears. Hide, hide, hide! But Lu You is Mabao. He listened to his mother's advice and believed that Tang Wan had delayed his future and failed Tang Wan first. Afterwards, I want to be a confidante. Not a lover. Cang Yang is even more outrageous, his poems are moving, but he always carries fairy qi, without red dust and smoke. Is his unknown lover a lover or a faith? Love is naturally poetry, pots and pans, love for concubines, and red land. If it's just swaying in the air, such as those two of Huadie, do you really think that if you don't have the unswerving friendship between you, there will be life and death together? Unrequited love is even more involved... People say that all love, one person is gone, and the other person has done her duty for her. But if there is no responsibility, there are really a few people in this world who are willing to prove this unswervingly with a dead end. I look down on the spring girl you mentioned. A love, a face of life and death, a dream of a spring girl, do you really think this is love? This is captivity, the naivety of one person using blood to keep another person in captivity. She has never seen those fighting in his eyes, has never seen the sea of swords and flames he walked barefoot, has never protected him comprehensively, why do you love him?

Me: When we talk about historical figures, we must combine the historical environment at that time and the historical limitations of the characters themselves. From today's perspective, yes, because mothers do not want their wives to be Mabao. But in a social environment where filial piety was a very important part of moral cultivation at that time, parents’ orders must not be violated. This is why Jin Yong would write that Xiaolongnv would leave Yang Guo on her own initiative after listening to Huang Rong's persuasion, because she knew that if she was with Yang Guo, the social vision at the time would inevitably ruin Yang Guo. Yang Guo doesn't care, but what if it is someone like Guo Jing who takes "the great man to serve the country and the people" as his mission? Therefore, Yang Guo can risk the world's bad faith, and Guo Jing, in order to keep his promise, will go far beyond the Great Wall to marry Princess Huazheng. Similarly, if Lu You broke with his mother because of Tang Wan, he might also be ruined. This might be more terrifying than killing him. The reason why ancient scholars value reputation is because official career is almost the only way for them to realize their ideals and ambitions of ruling the country and the world. I don't intend to excuse Lu You, but think that his inner suffering may not be weaker than Xiang Yu. To the death of a person who still remembers "the king's master will decide the Central Plains Day, the family sacrifice will never forget to tell Nai Weng", if his future is ruined, wouldn't it be more terrible than killing him? Jiao Zhongqing and Liu Lanzhi in "The Peacock Flies Southeast" are also tragedies similar to Lu You and Tang Wan, and they are only representative of how many such tragedies of the time.

As for Cangyang Gyatso, he should also be considered in the historical background. His identity is the reincarnation of the fifth Dalai Lama. This sixth Dalai does not mean that he is quite right and does not want to be inappropriate, but he has to be. How many believers in Tibet need him to teach them as a living Buddha? The name of his lover in his hometown is now unverifiable. It is said that even if he became a Dalai, he still took a huge risk to secretly leave the Potala Palace to meet his lover at night, and was finally discovered by other lamas. His lover ended up miserably. Isn't he painful? His body responsibility and burden are ordinary people can not body will. And because of his identity, he cannot have love. Isn't this cruel to him? When I went to Tibet before, I once went to a Tibetan teahouse in Lhasa where it is said that Cangyang Gyatso had secretly dated his lover. There are many legends about his love tragedy. It is not that he does not love, but that he cannot love. Lu You is faced with secular power, and Cangyang Gyatso is faced with religious power. The two are not separated from heaven and human, but are better than death.

As for the soldiers in the war, are they willing to abandon their families and children? How many people are forced into the army? Not to mention the past, the turbulent situation in China in the past 100 years, how many young people have lost their lives? Their fate was affected by the troubled times, Xiang Yu still has the possibility of making a comeback, but he gave up, and these people don't even have the right to choose. There is a saying, "Anti-Japanese war, anti-Japanese war, a bullet is a boy." The boy was in love. The girl was in the year of Huaichun. During the Battle of Songhu, the horror was so terrible. A Chinese regiment might be on board. The front lines were all dead within a few hours. These young people may be similar to ours or even younger. Could their lovers in their hometown feel like a knife? It's just that they don't have Sanmao's writing and the opportunity to express it. These pains can often only accompany them into the cemetery.

DM: Although we are much more civilized than that era, we are not less exposed to secular pressure or belief pressure, or other pressures. For example, material pressure is probably the secular pressure of this era. But do you really think that a couple separated under material pressure is true love? Suffering unspeakable pain? What you said about war...I admit it, but Hua Mulan can disguise herself as a man and join the army for her father. If she really can't let go, fighting side by side is not an impossible way. A lot of staying together is a hero's end, but even then, those who work hard at the end to prove love itself will become the benchmark. But those who give up their efforts on their own, let people be considerate of their difficulties, yes, I understand and be considerate. But I don't think it is worth praising, worth remembering.

That is all the discussion part. Different people have different opinions on things like love, and our views have a lot to do with our own worldview.

All living beings may have many, many ordinary loves. But since it is ordinary, it is natural that fate has given them good luck. With such a difficult journey, they have already taken up their luck, so don't think about the path of Qingshi's name. Between the lines of this collection of essays, San Mao expresses his deep nostalgia for Jose and his uninteresting interest in being alive.

Some people don't believe in love, some people believe in love; some people regard love as a necessity of life, and some people think that love can be met but not sought. Some people don't care when they have it, and some people can't help themselves after losing it.

I often wonder, what is love? This kind of feeling is more complicated than family and friendship . It often starts with friendship and eventually evolves into a special kind of acquired affection.

Maslow’s five-layer needs theory speaks: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs and self-realization needs. The latter three are essentially inseparable from the three important human emotions of family, love and friendship. These three are also issues worthy of everyone's life thinking.

" More than a year ago, a journal asked me to write a manuscript, and the title had been specified: "If you only have a life span of three months, what will you do? "I thought for a long time, but I haven't answered this test paper. After hearing about this, Jose also asked me curiously-"What will you do?" "At that time, I was kneading dough in the kitchen, I raised my hand covered with white powder, touched his hair lightly, and said slowly: "Fool, I won't die because I have to make dumplings for you. Too! "After finishing this sentence, Jose's eyes suddenly dimmed, and his arms came up from behind me to hold me until the dumplings were on the table. "Are you nervous?" "I asked him with a smile, his eyes suddenly red, and he smiled, and then he sat down opposite me silently. Later, I thought about the draft, and my answer was still that simple and simple. Stubbornness: "I want to guard my home and protect my husband. A responsible person has no right to die. " "

A person lives in the world, there are people who love him, and those who love him. In fact , he didn't even have the right to choose to end his life. Because he is not alone in this world . He can't just think about himself. The more we get from this world. The more we have to bear. Did you choose to live a single life because of this? Or are you willing to start a family for the sake of family happiness ? I don't know which is better. let it go. When you are single, you can enjoy the unfettered free time, and when you have family bonds, you can enjoy the happiness of family.

" I am willing to be the last one to die in the circle of life of my father, mother, and husband. If I go first and leave this bitter cup that I have tasted to my parents in the world, then I will die because I I understand the love, and how deep my love is, how long my cares and dissatisfaction are. Therefore, I have no choice but to be a temporary phoenix, although my wings are broken and my feathers are off, I don’t have a partner to compare, but the broken heart is still a treasure for my parents. No matter how painful or hurt, if they refuse to let me die, I no longer have the idea of giving up on them. ”

From 1979, Jose died , 1991 San Mao himself . San Mao endured it for 12 years. But it is what makes her change her mind , finally decided to abandon the original promise, decided committed suicide it ? Or is it that in 1991, her parents had already passed away ? Or is it true that she committed suicide because of Jose?

" Father, mother, Jose, I love you more than my own life, and ask God to see my sincerity, give me a long time in the world, and protect the happiness and age of my parents. Then I, in this responsibility Under the circumstances, I no longer talk about disappearing and dying lightly. Jose, you promised, you have to wait for me over there. With your promise, I have one more hope. "

One can live in the world without being emotionally connected. We need love from others, also need to enjoy to love others fun .
March 11, 2024











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