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CZ 557

Critic Rating
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Used Price:
$498.99 +0.00%
Sale Price:
$498.99 0.00%

What to Know

Critic Consensus

Critic Consensus

The 557 Eclipse retains the original 557s American-pattern stock with a strong pistol grip, a slight palm swell and a high, flat comb. Furnished in black, glass-reinforced polymer stock instead of wood, the Eclipse features a Soft Touch surface finish that will stand up to the harshest weather conditions and the roughest treatment while providing a non-slip grip. Read critic reviews...

CZ 557 for Sale

CZ 557 Critic Reviews

CZ 557 Description

With a 24 version of our cold hammer forged and lapped barrel, the 557 American picks up where the short-barreled Sporter left off. The longer barrel squeezes a bit more velocity out of the chosen chamberings, to include the increasingly popular 6.5 Creedmoor. Its American-pattern stock has strong pistol grip with a bit of a palm swell and is adorned with a classic checkering design borrowed from our UHR. With a high comb and no sights, this rifle is intended for use with a scope, and built-in dovetails mean there are no bases required allowing scopes to be mounted directly to the action and enabling a simpler, more robust attachment method.

Technical Data

CZ 557 Ballistics

CZ 557 Parts & Upgrade

Grips Grips
Gun Parts Gun Parts
Holsters Holsters
Holsters Lasers
Magazines Holsters
Holsters Sights

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