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火影忍者羁绊 6.6

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Finally! As many of you are expecting this new patch. Patch 6.6 is here, more characters are added! This is the best and newest Naruto Castle Defense map! In this unique and yet wonderful map you get to choose your character from Naruto series and defend your castle from the enemies and bosses.

The most important thing in this game is to upgrade your armors and weapons. Buy weapons at the green tree then upgrade them at orange tree. Finally get gems by killing Hokages and tailed beasts then upgrade your gears further using items they dropped. The first choice is the easiest mode. Type hg will teleport you back to base.

Rate this map please

Here is the order of things you do in this map:

Start of game before 1st wave: buy empty bottle from sorcerer then run to water, then type hg after bottle is filled, then click on the 2nd icon(looks like a map) to complete the quest. This quest gives you money and xp. right before 1st wave quickly buy gears from green tree then upgrade it at orange tree.

Beat down 1st wave then start doing water quest until you're lvl 10. At lvl 10 you can beat your own image. Go to sorcerer and click on the yellow "clone" icon to go and fight your image. Image randomly drops xp 20000 gold or +20 all stats. so to get gold quick do images!

after you get enough gears upgraded go to leveling rooms, at sorcerer, click barrack icon. kill mobs there to gain gold and lvl FAST.

At lvl 50 you'll gain your secondary ultimate skill. then you can start to go gem hunting. gems are dropped by Hokages. To go to fight Hokages click on the blue man icon at sorcerer. There are 2 sizes of gems, small and big. small gems(droped by 3rd and 4th hokage) can be used to upgrade your maxed out gears to tier 1 gears. big gems (dropeed by 1st and 2nd Hokage) can be used to upgrade your tier 1 gears to tier 2. All gem upgrades are at the orange rune at the right side of map near orange tree.

After you have all tier 2 gears. you can start killing tailed beasts(Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, and Turtle) Dragon is green gems, Phoenix is purple gems, Tiger is blue, and Turtle is red.

There are many secrets in this game, you'll have to find them on your own :p

Good luck and have fun!

Blue gem gives various stats but more on str.
Green gem gives various stats but more on agi.
Purple gem gives various stats but more on int.
Red gem gives all around stats.



-added Zetsu(Kaguya)
-few spell and damage changes
-2 new heroes combination
*translate change log if anyone can*

-all Inventories
-Quiz system
-Score board

Commands :
->Locked heroes:
Pain = Pain
Kabuto = Kabuto
Madara = Madara
Obito = Obito
->Game commands:
Suicide = to suicide if you are bugged or just wanna do it.
Hg = Return to the saved point location.
Hc = Go to Mount Myōboku where you can train for sennin level. Requires 2000 mana to go there.
Sr = save return point

Naruto, Nartuo, Naurto, Castle, Defense, 6.6, 2.0, 2.2, 1, 2, 3, ., Best, Quality, War, Craft, III, I, II, V, Warcraft, Map, Maps, WarcraftIII, Anime

火影忍者羁绊 6.6 (Map)

Map Info View Resources In Use Download
15:02, 30th Mar 2016 Shadow Fury: Map rejected, and you perfectly know why since this is the fourth time you repeat the same mistake.
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  • #2
  • #10
As long as you continue violating the Submission Rules, your maps will keep being rejected, like they did in the past few years.
  • #21
I didn't make the map. The author made the models himself.

Now I have further evidence to reject the map. You need to get the permission from this original author to upload his map here.

Holymind said:
"High probability?" Is that all the proof you can muster? Just 2 words? How about you tell me which game the author copied the models from if you think he ripped the models? What link? If you want high quality models you gota make them yourself you know. If you can't, well, too bad then. The author spent a huge amount of time making the models.

You don't seem to understand what's going on. The main reason for rejection is that your map is not in English. All tooltips show nothing, quest log is complete void, the name of the map is in Chinese, loading screen as well etc... all that indicates that your map is non-English.
However, since you're insisting a lot on me saying that ripped models are only a probability, I guess you'd not have any problems proving me wrong by showing me from where you got them. Otherwise, they are surely ripped models, because they're either illegally ripped by the user or posted on a foreign website without respecting the copyright laws. We do not want to risk infringing such laws.
You need to understand that we are not against you or anime maps in general. We have rules, and we follow them. If you do not, your map gets rejected, either anime or non-anime. Easy as pie, but I don't know why you're overcomplicating it. Just translate everything into English, provide evidence that the original author gave you the permission to upload his map here, show me the models used in the map are not ripped and I'll be more than happy to review your map and most probably approve it with a high rating. It's not that hard, really. Instead of wasting time grumbling about the immutable, try to do something for the map.

Holymind said:
The prejudice is real on hive, and you give me infractions based on guesses. This is probably how things work for anime map uploaders on hive.

Please read meticulously what I wrote in the infraction message. I'll reword myself anyway: this is the fourth time you break the map submission rules after three fully-justified rejections. You didn't seem to understand the gravity of your actions, so I had to proceed with an infraction. Anyone can be subject to infraction if he/she breaks constantly the rules, not only anime map-makers, so I did not reserve any special treatment for you just because you uploaded an anime map. Just don't accuse me of deeds I did not commit.
  • #29
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  • #30
Not really, no.
The maps offered here are being maintained and updated by the owners and creators.
The amount of work we put in is exceedingly higher than cheap rip-off maps so I daresay we are allowed to define rules that match a certain level of quality.

Furthermore, anime models suck.
All of them.
Anime is not meant to be downgraded to low quality polygon triangles and cubes, no; it should stay as-is.
However, as you have seen, hive also offers some of those so we're not completely against them, plus it's common knowledge that mappers dealing with lowquality maps (yours is obviously one of them as you didn't even bother traslating the tooltips) are that lazy and just take those models without crediting the original authors or asking them.
Rules are also meant to motivate users to improve their map(s).
I have been working for eight years on mine and I can still improve it; be it implementing new features, optimizing the coding or whatever.

So no, it's not up to the moderators to prove the models are actually NOT ripped.
It's your upload so you are responsible for it.
Your brickwall attitude pisses me off.

Nope, the anime model/map makers on Hive suck, all of them.
Clearly you haven't seen more than 5 anime models. Even the models you posted are better than any of the 10 years old models from warcraft 3 which are crap according to today's standards. Hiveworkshop is filled with maps with those crappy models. I didn't touch the map I uploaded since I don't know how to edit maps. But the qualities of the anime maps I played are so top notch that they are enough to keep me from playing any of the maps on hive. You guys should get on sites other than hive sometimes. It'll open you up to a whole new world of warcraft 3.

What "So no?" You can't prove that you didn't do something. If you say someone has committed a crime you have to present proof. Your logic pisses me off.
  • #32
Jesus christ.
You got cornered by your own stubbornness and now you're being way too upset about this.
This is a platform to also let you learn about wc3 modding.
Your first step SHOULD be to take that offer, either by reading tutorials or trial n error; opening up worldedit and click around.
Instead, you've been going crazy about a rejection of a map you haven't created or edited for days - for little to no gain.
I have maybe seen only a few crap Naruto models (which is okay since Naruto is a shit anime) and other abominations but as opposed to you, at least I linked examples.
Overgeneralization? Maybe - but I am free to have my own opinion.

You, on the other hand, are just claiming wild assumptions and you even go to the length saying that the maps you play exceed hive's quality standards - yet, where are they?
Why hasn't anyone bothered to make those maps accessible to English-speaking people?
Hive is my home to modding warcraft and I have no reason to go elsewhere as everything I need is available on this platform.
Lastly, this is not a courthouse.
The "in dubio pro reo" you're aiming for does only exist to a degree.
Hive has a ruleset and users are to follow them.
Have a link ->
You may have overlooked that maps must be English language.
English only:
In-game text and Hive description. The grammar and spelling must be adequate.
That map isn't and this is enough for it to be rejected.
That's logic and if this is pissing you off... I honestly don't understand.
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