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How to pick the Right Interactive Touch-Screen Manufacturer


Picking the right interactive touch-screen manufacturer shouldn’t be a chore.

With so many options available, finding the perfect interactive touch-screen manufacturer can be a daunting task. It’s especially problematic if you know that you want to invest in touch-screen technology but aren’t sure what to look for.

So, we’ve put together this list of criteria to help you find the manufacturer that’s right for you.

Customisation options

When investing in touch-screen technology, you want to be sure it’s perfectly suited to the environment it will be installed in and customised exactly to your requirements. Some of the most common customisation options offered by interactive touch-screen manufacturers include:

Custom sizes

Most manufacturers will list their standard sizing options on their website, but they may also offer the option to customise the size of their touch-screens the enclosures around them if you ask them!

Choice of colours

If your going for a particular colour scheme with your touch-screen installation, picking a manufacturer that allows you customise the colour of your hardware is essential! Again, manufacturers may show some of their colour options on their website, but it’s always worth giving them a call if you have more specific colour requirements.

Range of available accessories

Do you need to mount your touch screen on a table? Perhaps you need to connect a printer to it? A good interactive touch-screen manufacturer will either sell you these kinds of accessories directly or point you in the direction of a trusted external supplier.


When looking at interactive touch-screen manufacturers it’s important to always compare the prices of multiple manufacturers. Prices can vary hugely across companies, so it’s important to not just pick the first one you come across.

This is particularly important if you’re looking to it multiple pieces of hardware. Some manufacturers will offer you a significant discount on your purchase if you buy several items of hardware.

Manufacturer reputation

You wouldn’t buy a product on the high street from a manufacturer with a bad reputation, so why wouldn’t you do the same for touch-screen displays? Quality of products, service and support can vary vastly between manufacturers. So before you make any kind of purchasing decision, take a look at how the manufacturer your considering rank against the competition.

Technavio is a great resource for comparing manufacturers of digital technology where you can see ratings, reviews and testimonials from previous customers.

Build quality

This ties in closely with manufacturer reputation. Nobody wants to invest in touch-screen technology that’s going to let you down after a short period of time.

Again, it’s a good idea to research and compare all of your prospective interactive touch-screen manufacturers. Reviews of the company’s products can give you a good indication of build quality, reliability and longevity.


If you’re investing a significant amount in touch-screen technology from a manufacturer that isn’t based in your country, you need to ensure they can allow for international distribution.

Similarly, if you’re looking to expand your business and partner with an interactive touch-screen manufacturer, it’s important that they distribute worldwide.

Installation, setup and support

It’s one thing for an interactive touch-screen manufacturer to have a smooth sales process, but it’s important they don’t forget the importance of after-sales installation, setup and support. Even if the manufacturer is not directly responsible for these parts of the process, it’s good practice for them to direct you to companies who can assist you with them.

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If you’re looking for a solutions provider that combines interactive touch-screen manufacturing with software development, project management, installation, support and training, look no further than LamasaTech. We’re a forward-thinking digital technology agency with a great reputation within the interactive touch technology industry and a focus on providing the whole solution. Most interactive touch-screen manufacturers will only provide with hardware. We believe in a far more holistic approach. We work closely with our clients on every aspect of implementing their interactive touch-screen technology. Not only will we provide you with high-quality interactive touch-screen technology, we will collaborate with you on every aspect of your project, including:

  • Pricing and quotation
  • Customisation
  • Hardware production
  • Software development
  • Project management
  • Installation, support and training

At LamasaTech we’ll work with you to provide you with the perfect interactive touch-screen solution. No matter what your how specific or demanding your requirements, nor how big or small your interactive touch-screen project is, we want to help you with it.

Looking for a free, no-pressure consultation on interactive touch-screen tech? Get in touch with a member of our expert team.


Manufacturer, Touch-Screen

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