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2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral,

50470 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur



Private Instant Messaging Secure Digital Workspace

Your Privacy Value, You Don’t Want To Be Censored, We Help You To Protect Your Business Secret.

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What You Concern

Privacy Risks

Public messaging platforms often collect and store user data, including personal information, contacts, and message content. Customers may be concerned about the privacy of their conversations and the potential for their data to be accessed or shared with third parties without their consent.

Data Security

Public messaging platforms may be susceptible to data breaches or hacking attempts, which can expose users' sensitive information. Customers may worry about the security measures implemented by these platforms and the risk of unauthorized access to their conversations and personal data.

Advertising and Data Usage

Public messaging platforms often utilize user data for targeted advertising and may share this data with third-party advertisers. Customers may be uncomfortable with their personal information being used for marketing purposes and prefer platforms that do not engage in data-driven advertising.

Lack of Control

Public messaging platforms typically have limited control features for users. Customers may be concerned about their ability to manage who has access to their messages, control the retention of their data, or customize their privacy settings according to their preferences.

Our Solution

Enhanced Privacy

Private instant messaging platforms prioritize user privacy by implementing robust encryption protocols, ensuring that conversations remain confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.
This feature is particularly important for individuals and businesses dealing with sensitive information or confidential discussions.

Control over Data

Private instant messaging platforms often provide users with greater control over their data. Users can choose what information to share, who can access their messages, and when their messages are deleted. This level of control gives customers a sense of ownership and ensures that their data is not misused.

Data Security

Public instant messaging platforms typically collect user data, including personal information and usage patterns, which may be used for targeted advertising or shared with third parties. Private messaging platforms, on the other hand, have a greater focus on data security, minimizing the collection and retention of user data, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Customization and Integration

Private messaging platforms may offer more customization options and integrations with other software tools and platforms. This allows users to tailor their messaging experience to their specific needs and seamlessly integrate messaging into their existing workflows or systems.

document with business graph and blurred businessman on background

Our Values

Linkdood Technologies provides secured instant messaging app and digital workspace solutions to governments, organizations, enterprises, businesses, and individuals around the world. The Linkdood app aims to be the most secure and private workspace messaging tool by providing each customer a privately owned server and other enhanced security features.

Our Mission

Revolutionize the way people connect and collaborate by providing a cutting-edge private communication platform that prioritizes privacy, efficiency, and innovation.

Our Vision

Redefine private communication, empowering users to connect, collaborate, and communicate securely and seamlessly.

Our Clients

Our clients love working with us, just read what we have done!

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meet the team

Powered by our people

Richard Yi
An experienced business professional. with a successful track record of running multiple businesses, Former Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Great China Region.
He's highly knowledgeable about the technology and corporate worlds and is committed to helping his clients achieve success
Jackie Li
Jackie is an accomplished global business leader with a master鈥檚 degree from Columbia University and a bachelor鈥檚 degree from USC.
With executive experience spanning multiple industries, Jackie oversees international operations at an IT company in China, co-founded Linkdood Technologies Malaysia, and directs investments for a venture capital firm.
He is also the founder of Cloudinary Volunteer Society, further demonstrating his commitment to innovation and social impact.
got his master鈥檚 degree from Washington University in St Louis and a bachelor鈥檚 degree from Fordham University.
With study experience in business school and several working experiences in the financial industry, he gained excellent market sensitivity and working ability.
Edward joined Linkdood Technologies in 2021, and now he is responsible for marketing and financing issues.

Help Center

Have a query? Please check this question and answers

Yes, LinkDood can be used for business purposes. Many organizations use LinkDood as a communication and collaboration tool for their teams, enabling efficient internal communication and file sharing.

Yes, LinkDood is designed to be accessible across multiple devices. You can use it on your desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Simply download the LinkDood app or access it through your web browser.

Yes, LinkDood prioritizes security and privacy. We utilize end-to-end encryption to protect your conversations and ensure that only the intended recipients can access the messages. Additionally, we employ strict data protection measures to safeguard your personal information.

LinkDood offers integrations with various third-party apps and platforms to enhance your productivity. You can connect LinkDood with popular tools like Google Drive, Microsoft Office, and more. Check the app’s settings for available integration options.

If you need assistance or have further questions, you can reach out to LinkDood customer support by sending an email to or by calling +603 2701 3606. Our support team is available to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.

LinkDood allows you to share files of various sizes, but there may be limitations based on your subscription plan and the file size restrictions set by the operating system or device you are using. Be aware of any file size limitations when sharing larger files.

LinkDood requires an internet connection to send and receive messages in real-time. However, you can access your previous messages and view contact information offline, but any new messages will be delivered once you regain an internet connection.


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