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How to Fix TaskSchedulerHelper.dll Not Found Issue in Windows 10

Featured Image Solve Taskschedulerhelper.dll Not Found

Sometimes during a Windows 10 startup, you may run into a Task Scheduler missing error. It may read something like this: “There was a problem starting TaskSchedulerHelper.dll. The specified module could not be found.” It is definitely an annoying error that occurs because you may have improperly upgraded your system or certain drivers. Follow the steps shown below to fix the TaskSchedulerHelper.dll not found issue in Windows 10.

Note: while it is easy to download a DLL file online and replace it in your system, never replace DLL files online from a non-Microsoft website, as it can harm your system (no matter if it says “Windows”).

Check Whether the Task Scheduler Is Running

There are various forms of TaskSchedulerHelper.dll error messages such as “TaskSchedulerHelper.dll is missing,” “specified module could not be found,” “error loading,” and “access violation.” The error shows up on startup due to certain odd entries that creep into the Windows 10 Task Scheduler app, especially during a faulty driver update.

Taskschedulerhelper Dot Dll 1

The app’s job is to create and manage common tasks that your computer will carry out on startup. These tasks are specific to a program and stored across various folders in the Task Scheduler library.

First you should find out whether the Task Scheduler is even working. For this, go to the Windows 10 Start menu and enter services.msc. Scroll below to find out whether the Task Scheduler entry is running properly. If it isn’t, you need to run a system scan on the command terminal and enter the following code. (See last section on how to recheck using this same tool.) Fixing the system errors should restart the Task Scheduler.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll Check Running 1

Solve TaskSchedulerHelper.dll Not Found Problem

From the official Microsoft website, we will download the Autoruns file which gives a comprehensive overview of various Windows services. Unzip it to select an .exe program that can help you fix the Autostart utilities. Only select the largest file as shown here.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll Select Autoruns64 1

When it opens, navigate to the “Scheduled tasks” tab. Here in the fifth or sixth row, you should see a highlighted yellow text which says “Task Scheduler.” You can also confirm using the description whether it’s indeed the TaskSchedulerHelper.dll file.

Taskschedulerhelper Identified In Autoruns64 1

To disable the annoying TaskSchedulerHelper.dll pop-up on a Windows 10 start, all you have to do is uncheck the file. This can only be done in the Administrator mode. That’s it!

Taskschedulerhelper Dll Clear Checkmark Autoruns 1

You may even right-click and delete the file if the source of error is a third-party software. In this case, it was Auslogics, a driver update program. On a successful clean reboot, the error should be gone. If it persists, go to the next step.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll File Removed Completely 1

Remove All Traces of Corrupt Files

If you don’t want to see the annoying error again for the specific Task scheduler library, you will have to permanently erase the folder where the DLL had originated. To do this, enter and select the “Task Scheduler” app from the Start menu. You must run this in administrator mode.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll Task Scheduler App 3

Select the folder where the error originated and delete it. You will have permanently removed its files by now.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll Delete Folder 1

As a concluding step, run a system scan once again in your Windows command terminal. It should give you a success message of no integrity violations. Now you can do a clean reboot of your system.

Taskschedulerhelper Dll No Violations 1

For Windows 10, while such “TaskSchedulerHelper.dll not found” problems can be annoying, they are perfectly solvable and don’t pose a big issue. In some cases they should be ignored altogether as shown in this example.

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Sayak Boral
Sayak Boral - Staff Writer

Sayak Boral is a technology writer with over eleven years of experience working in different industries including semiconductors, IoT, enterprise IT, telecommunications OSS/BSS, and network security. He has been writing for MakeTechEasier on a wide range of technical topics including Windows, Android, Internet, Hardware Guides, Browsers, Software Tools, and Product Reviews.

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