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SmartAX MA5800seriesOLT
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SmartAX MA5800seriesOLT
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The SmartAX MA5800 is the industry's first distributed, intelligent, converged OLT platform that enables customers to build "wider, faster, smarter" access networks for a better business experience.

The MA5800 provides multiple access services such as xPON, P2P GE, and 10GE. The MA5800 supports FTTx and D-CCAP modes to implement home services, enterprise users, and mobile services. The MA52005 integrates the functions of OLT and aggregation switches to achieve unified aggregation of OLT, MDU, and campus switches. This simplifies the network architecture and reduces the operating costs.

Key Features


Using distributed forwarding architecture, single-slot throughput of 200G, support large-capacity 40GPON non-blocking access;

Single box to meet the 32 million households 100M non-blocking access, smooth enjoy 4K TV.


Support PON / P2P full-service access, an optical network to support the family, business, mobile back, and so the whole scene access;

The functions of OLT and aggregation switches are converged to simplify the network layer, reduce space and energy consumption, and reduce OPEX.


The service board adopts the programmable NP architecture to support intelligent services based on SDN and support the rapid deployment of new services.

Supports the virtual access network function, realizes the multi-service intelligent operation or carries on the network wholesale service, provides the better service experience.

Technical specifications

Main Board Switching Capacity7 Tbit/s7 Tbit/s
MAC Number of addresses256K 256K
ARP/ Routing table entries64K64K
Access capacity
  • 272×GPON

  • 816×GE/FE

  • 136×10G/10G EPON/XG-PON

  • 112×GPON

  • 336×GE/FE

  • 56×10G/10G EPON/XG-PON

Dimensions (H x W x D, mm)486x533x286 264x442x242
Operating temperature

Indoor rack, including a chassis: -40 ℃ ~ +65 ℃

Indoor rack, including two chassis: -40 ℃ ~ +55 ℃

-40℃ ~ +65℃
DC supply voltage -38.4 ~ -72 V -38.4 ~ -72 V
Layer 2 featuresVLAN+MAC Forward, SVLAN+CVLAN Forward, PPPoE+, DHCP option82
Layer 3 featuresStatic routes, RIP, OSFP/OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP/BGP4+, ARP, DHCP relay, VRF
MPLS&PWE3 LDP, RSVP-TE, MPLS OAM, tunnel Protection switching, TDM/ETH PWE3, PW Protection switching, MPLS BGP IP VPN
IPv6 IPv4 And IPv6 dual stack, IPv6 Layer 2 and Layer 3 forwarding, and DHCPv6 relay
MulticastIGMPv2, IGMPv3, IGMP Proxy and interception, VLAN-based IPTV multicast
QoS Traffic classification, priority handling, traffic policing based on trTCM, HQoS, traffic shaping, WRED, PQ/WRR/PQ+WRR, ACL
System reliability
  • GPON type B, type C protection;

    EPON type B, type D protection;

    XG-GPON and 10G EPON type B protection;

    Intraplate and interplate LAG, MSTP;

    The master and service boards are upgraded continuously.



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