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The Ting Tings and Bipolar Sunshine to launch Oxjam 2014 in London tonight

Indiana will also perform as part of Huw Stephens-curated bill

The Ting Tings will headline the launch event of Oxfam’s annual fundraising Oxjam festival tonight (September 19).

The band will play their first UK show in support of their new album, ‘Super Critical’, at the Miranda Ace Hotel on a bill that also features Bipolar Sunshine and Indiana.

Speaking about the gig, The Ting Tings have said: “We are very excited to play the Oxjam show. It will be our first show in the UK after finishing our third album, and for it to be a show with such a good cause makes it really special! This show is the beginning of a movement of hundreds of gigs and events across the UK, all raising money to fight poverty.” The duo’s LP will be released on October 27.

Oxjam will take place throughout October. Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens has collated the bill for the launch party. “I have always been a huge fan of Oxjam because it gives people who love their local music scene a chance to bring together budding talent, put on a show and raise money for an important charity,” he said. “The Oxjam launch gig reflects that sentiment, and I’m looking forward to presenting some of the most exciting acts out there right now as well as some long-standing favourites to get this month of music started.”


The weekend of October 18-19 will see the Oxjam Takeovers live music events happening throughout the country in 55 locations. For more information, visit oxfam.org.uk/oxjam.

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