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The Ting Tings respond to ‘That’s Not My Name’ going viral on TikTok: “We’re thrilled”

The track topped the UK charts upon its release in 2008, and has had a newfound resurgence online

The Ting Tings have shared their reaction to their 2008 single ‘That’s Not My Name’ going viral on TikTok.

  • READ MORE: “There was a sense of optimism”: how ’00s indie sleaze made a massive comeback

The indie-pop duo – Katie White and Jules De Martino – hit top spot in the UK charts with the track upon its release over a decade ago, beating Rihanna, Madonna and other stars to the top spot.

‘That’s Not My Name’ has since sold over a million copies in total, and has received a newfound boost after it went viral on TikTok and became the soundtrack to videos by The Rock, Drew Barrymore and others.

Speaking to Variety about the resurgence of the track, White said: “We’re [not good] at social media. I learned it was happening from my family.”


“I didn’t think TikTok was really for us,” the singer and guitarist added, “but now we will probably use it for our next album.”

“We’re thrilled,” De Martino added. “It’s amazing to see people interact with our song. Early in our career, someone said, ‘You’ve written one of those songs that’s just going to keep on going.’ And they were right, it just keeps coming around.”


My name is Drew, but they call me… inspired by @aliciasilverstone!❤️

♬ That’s Not My Name – The Ting Tings


The Ting Tings are set to release new album ‘Meadow’ this year, and spoke to Variety about the positive timing of returning with new material after the viral success of their old hit.

“You couldn’t ask for better timing,” White said, “but then you also want the new record to be in its own world,” adding that the new album is “very Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, and The Eagles.”


Read NME‘s investigation into why and how old songs are going viral on TikTok here.

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  • Indie
  • The Ting Tings
  • TikTok

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