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How to Fix Game.dll is Missing / Not Found Error Messages

game.dll error

DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is an important file that helps in the proper functioning of the Windows operating system. Usually, these DLL files are related to PC games which make the DirectX games function appropriately.

If you are encountering “The Program can’t start because game.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the problem to fix the problem” error message. Then it is suggested you fix this issue quickly.

Here in this article, get the complete information about what is game dll, its causes and of course the solutions to get rid of game.dll error message.

Table of Contents

What Is Game.dll?

Game.dll is a kind of DLL file that is related to Warcraft III developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the Windows OS.

For Windows, the latest Game.dll version is This DLL file has scored a rating of 1 star and security of rating of “Unknown.”

If you encounter game dll error whenever you start a game or application then you may face different kinds of errors. Below is the list of those game DLL errors.

Common Game.dll Error Messages

The most common game.dll errors that occur on a Windows-based computer are:

  • “Game.dll not found.”
  • “Game.dll Access Violation.”
  • “The file game.dll is missing.”
  • “Cannot register game.dll.”
  • “Cannot find C:\Windows\System32\\game.dll.”
  • “Cannot start Warcraft III. A required component is missing: game.dll. Please install Warcraft III again.”
  • “This application failed to start because game.dll was not found.”

These DLL error messages can occur, during program installation, while a game.dll associated with the software program is running, during the installation of Windows OS, or even during Windows shutdown or startup.

Identifying when and where your game.dll error occurs is one of the useful information that can help you in troubleshooting the issue.

What Causes Game DLL Error to Occur?

Most of the time Game.dll errors occurred due to corrupt or missing game.dll files or problems in the Windows registry.

Have a look at some common causes that may result in the occurrence of game.dll error:

  • Invalid or corrupt game.dll registry entry.
  • Virus or malware attack which has corrupted/damaged the game.dll file.
  • Game.dll file gets overwritten by another program.
  • Installation of the new programs may mistakenly delete the game.dll file.
  • Uninstalling any program mistakenly uninstalled the game.dll file.
  • Blizzard Entertainment hardware failure, which has corrupted/damaged the game.dll file.

How to Fix Game.dll Errors?

In order to fix game.dll warcraft 3 error message that appears while playing, you need to try the below-mentioned fixes one by one.

    • Perform SFC/Scan
    • Run DISM Scan
    • Manually Download DLL File
    • Install DirectX
    • Try Reinstalling Visual C++ Redistributable
    • Update Windows OS

Now, follow the solutions in details:

Solution 1: Perform SFC/Scan

Performing the SFC scan can solve the game dll error, as it repairs the corrupt system files.

Before applying the steps first log in as an administrator and then follow the steps to perform the scan:

  • Press Windows + R key to open the Run dialogue box
  • Type cmd and click OK button

using cmd command prompt

  • Type sfc/scannow and hit enter

Now, wait for the scanning process to get completed. If your system files have any problem then it will show you the message.

Restart your computer and see whether the game dll error is fixed or not. If not then try another solution.

Solution 2: Run DISM Scan

Sometimes it happens that the problems are not solved by an sfc scan, in that case, try DISM scan.

Follow the steps to perform the DISM command:

  • Press the Windows icon
  • Type cmd, right-click on the command prompt and select Run as administrator

Run as Administrator

  • Type the below-given commands and hit enter after each command:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth


After the completion of the scanning process, you won’t notice the game.dll error.

Solution 3: Manually Install game.dll File

If none of the solutions are working for you then you can try to install the game.dll manually. Follow the steps to start installing game.dll file:

  • The file that you have downloaded might be a compressed file with “.zip”
  • To install it, first, double-click on the “.zip” file and open the file.

game.dll error

  • Library named “Game.dll” in the window will open up. You need to install this library. Drag it to the desktop.
  • Copy the “Game.dll” library file that you have extracted.
  • Paste it into “C:\Windows\System32” directory

game dll error

  • If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, paste it into “C:\Windows\sysWOW64”.

game.dll error

  • First, open the command prompt and run as administrator
  • Click on Windows icon, type cmd and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter all together

game.dll error

  • A confirmation Windows pop up “Do you want to run the Command Prompt as with administrative permission?”, click on YES.
  • Paste the below command and hit enter

%windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /u Game.dll

game.dll error

  • If you are using a 64 Bit version in Windows then paste the command and press enter.

%windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /u Game.dll

game.dll error

  • To recreate dll library registry that is deleted paste the command and enter

%windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /i Game.dll

game.dll error

  • If you are using 64 Bit version in Windows then paste the command and enter

%windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /i Game.dll

game.dll error

After performing the steps completely, the game.dll is successfully installed and you won’t receive the game dll error.

But if you do then there must be due to incompatibility issue.

Solution 4: Install DirectX

To fix the game.dll error the common solution is to install DirectX reported by many users. You can visit the official website of Microsoft to install the necessary files of Direct.

Though in some cases, the DirectX file setup already appears on the game disc, you can also install it from there too. This will solve the game dll error.

But if you want to install DirectX manually then follow the below-given steps:

  • Press Windows + R key
  • Type dxdig and click OK

  • Select the system tab to check your system version
  • Find Microsoft’s “DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer” page
  • Click on the Download button for dxwebsetup.exe file
  • Follow the instructions to download and install the dxwebsetup.exe file for DirectX latest version.

game.dll error

Now, check whether the game.dll missing error is solved or not.

Solution 5: Try Reinstalling Visual C++ Redistributable

However, if installing the DirectX does not work for you in solving the game.dll error then you can try Reinstalling Visual C++ Redistributable.

Follow the steps to reinstall visual C++ redistributables:

  • Press Windows + R key
  • Type appwiz.cpl and click OK

  • Find Microsoft visual C++ programs
  • Close all the entry and click on Uninstall

  • Now, uninstalling, download a fresh copy of Visual C++ Redistributable and install
  • After reinstalling Visual C++ redistributables, restart your system

Check whether the game.dll error still persists or not.

Solution 6: Update Windows OS

Updating your Windows OS can also help you to solve the DLL error. Here are the steps to update your Windows manually.

  • Press Windows icon
  • Go to settings
  • Select Update & security

  • Select Windows Update Tab
  • Click on check for updates


If any updates available it will start downloading automatically. After your Windows is updated, there are chances that the game dll error might disappear.

Well. there are many other fixes to solve DLL errors, to know more visit this link- How to Fix DLL Errors?

Best & Easy Solution to Fix game.dll Error

While performing all the manuals if you still are experiencing the game dll error then here is an easy solution that will help you to get rid of this error.

Try the DLL Repair Tool. This is an advanced repair tool that fixes all DLL related issues and errors with ease. This Repair tool is easy to use and even a non-technical person can use it without any trouble.

This tool not only fixes DLL error but also other errors such as registry error, BSOD error, prevent PC issues, etc. and enhance the PC/Laptop performance.

Get DLL Repair Tool to Fix Game.DLL Error


So, that’s all about game DLL error.

I have tried my best to provide you with the workarounds that will help you to troubleshoot the game.dll missing/ not found error.

Perform the manuals one by one carefully in order to solve the game.dll missing error and if you find difficulty then opt for the easy solution

It is expected that this article turns out to be useful to you.

Apart from this, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article then feel free and write to us in the below comment section.

Categories DLL Errors Tags Blizzard Entertainment, Causes of game.dll, fix game.dll errors, Game.DLL, Warcraft III

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