

*The Scroll of Taiwu* is an indie game based on Chinese mythology and Wuxia tales

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  • Category(ies):

    Adventure , Casual , Early Access , Indie , RPG , Strategy

  • Type:


  • Works under:


  • Developer(s):

    ConchShip Games

  • Release Date:

    Sep 20, 2018

  • Required Age:


  • Price:

    19.99 USD

  • Tags:


  • Languages:

    Simplified Chinese

OverviewIn the "Taiwu" Universe, besides playing as a "successor of Taiwu", you will live your life in many different ways: being kind, evil, or somewhere between. You can visit the sects and gangs around the world and learn the various martial art styles; you can choose to make sworn brothers or blood feud; you can establish a village of your own and run various businesses; or you can settle down with your love and enter parenthood. Eventually, you will face the greatest enemy of the "Taiwu" family and determine the fate of the entire world.The Unknown World (Jianghu)Each "Taiwu" world you create will be unique with the randomly generated maps, NPCs, and enemies. Every time you start the game, it will be a brand new adventure.You can learn thousands of martial art techniques from 15 different sects and gangs; you can also learn hundreds of traditional Chinese skills from the countless NPCs.The Combination of Diverse Game MechanicsBesides classic RPG, *The Scroll of Taiwu* has combined the elements of many different genres, such as the randomness from Roguelike games;You can also find elements of business simulation games: constructing, resource gathering, expanding, managing, crafting, maintaining, etc. Catch the most combative "Grand General" and have a battle of insects with the abbot of the Shaolin Temple!"Lifelike" NPCsThere are thousands of NPCs who have their own relationships and experiences; you can form any kind of relationships with them and even decide whether they live or die. You will have children with your spouse.Coach your successor and teach him/her all your skills.Find your love from a past life.Detailed CraftingWith resource gathering, crafting, maintaining and Chinese alchemy, you can totally make any kind of weapons, armors, and elixirs with your own hands.Pick up an envenomed weapon, put up an envenomed cloth, and eat the envenomed antidote. Realistic BattlesThe original battle system will show you the design of "counter striking", "even a stick can be a sword", and "long weapons bring power; short weapons bring danger".Each time you attack, the damage will be applied to a different part of your opponent's body.With your martial art techniques, run your internal force and practice your skills and strategies.

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