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What is the normal computer temperature?

Release: 2022-04-01 15:17:05
63500 people have browsed it

The normal temperature of the computer depends on the situation: 1. CPU, the normal temperature is about 25 to 75 degrees; 2. The motherboard and hard disk, usually the normal temperature is between 40 and 60 degrees; 3. For graphics cards, the temperature of some graphics cards is normal between 40 and 50 degrees, and the temperature of some graphics cards is normal between 70 and 80 degrees.

What is the normal computer temperature?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.

What is the normal computer temperature? It depends on the situation:

What is the normal computer temperature? 1: CPU

CPU is the core component of the computer. Its temperature affects whether the computer can run normally. Usually, the normal temperature of the CPU is around 25 to 75 degrees. When it is idle, the temperature is around 40 to 50 degrees. When it is busy, the temperature is around 40 to 50 degrees. The temperature is around 50 to 65 degrees, and can reach 65 to 78 degrees when running at full speed. If the CPU temperature is too low, the computer will not be able to start. If the CPU temperature is too high, it will cause a crash.

CPU fan:

CPU fan speed is usually above 2500 rpm. Currently, many motherboards have fan speed detection function. When your CPU temperature is too high, The motherboard will increase the fan speed accordingly, and the highest speed can be increased to tens of thousands of rpm to ensure the temperature of the CPU.

What is the normal computer temperature? 2: Motherboard and hard disk

The temperature of the motherboard and hard disk is usually lower than that of the CPU. The temperature of the motherboard is usually The normal temperature is between 40 and 60 degrees, while the temperature of our commonly used IDE or SATA hard drives is usually below 55 degrees.

What is the normal computer temperature? Three: Graphics card

For friends who like to play games, the temperature of the computer graphics card also needs to be focused on. The temperature of the graphics card depends on the graphics card. Depending on the model and version, the temperature of some graphics cards is normal between 40 and 50 degrees, and the temperature of some graphics cards is normal between 70 and 80 degrees.

Extended information:

What to do if the computer temperature is too high

1. Close the software that causes the computer temperature to be too high

If your computer has a high temperature, you can use software like Master Lu to check the temperature of our computer’s CPU, graphics card and other components, and then close those large software that takes up a lot of CPU and graphics cards. This can effectively reduce the computer temperature.

2. Replace the radiator

For the CPU, graphics card and other hardware used in our ordinary computers, if overclocking is not used, there is basically no need to replace the radiator. If the fan cannot effectively reduce the computer CPU If the temperature of the graphics card is lower than that of the graphics card, you can replace it with a radiator with better performance to make the computer's cooling function even better.

3. Keep the indoor temperature cool

If the computer temperature is too high, it will also be affected by the external environment, so we need to maintain a suitable temperature indoors. If the temperature is too high or too low, it will It will affect the life of the computer. Usually the indoor temperature is between 10 and 30 degrees.

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