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Will the CPU burn if it is kept at 100 degrees for a long time?

Release: 2023-02-20 11:14:32
17619 people have browsed it

The CPU will burn if it is kept at 100 degrees for a long time; if the temperature of the CPU reaches 100 degrees, it will not burn out in a short period of time, but it will affect the computing efficiency of the CPU. However, if it is kept at 100 degrees for a long time, the hardware will be burned out. situation; the heat generation is determined by the power of the CPU, and the power is directly proportional to the voltage, so to control the temperature well, you must control the core voltage of the CPU.

Will the CPU burn if it is kept at 100 degrees for a long time?

#The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 10 system, Dell G3 computer.

Will the CPU burn if it is kept at 100 degrees for a long time?

If the temperature of the CPU reaches 100 degrees, it will not burn out in a short period of time, but it will affect the computing efficiency of the CPU. If If the temperature is maintained at 100 degrees for a long time, the hardware will be burned out.

Generally, the CPU will be powered off for protection at 100 degrees. If it exceeds this upper limit, it will burn out. The amount of heat generated is determined by the power of the CPU, and power is directly proportional to the voltage. Therefore, to control the temperature well, you must control the core voltage of the CPU.

It is recommended that when using the computer, you should not use it for too long. The computer also needs a rest. In this way, the CPU will not be prone to high temperature or damage.

Related expansion:

CPU appeared in the era of large-scale integrated circuits. The iterative updates of processor architecture design and the continuous improvement of integrated circuit technology have prompted its continuous development and improvement. From being initially dedicated to mathematical calculations to being widely used in general computing, from 4-bit to 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit processors, and finally to 64-bit processors, from the incompatibility of various manufacturers to the emergence of different instruction set architecture specifications, CPUs have been developing rapidly since their inception.

CPU development has a history of more than 40 years. We usually divide it into six stages.

(1) The first stage (1971-1973). This is the era of 4-bit and 8-bit low-end microprocessors, and the representative product is the Intel 4004 processor.

In 1971, the 4004 microprocessor produced by Intel integrated the arithmetic unit and the controller on one chip, marking the birth of the CPU; in 1978, the emergence of the 8086 processor laid the foundation for the X86 instruction set architecture. Subsequently The 8086 series processors are widely used in personal computer terminals, high-performance servers and cloud servers.

(2) The second stage (1974-1977). This is the era of 8-bit mid-to-high-end microprocessors, and the representative product is Intel 8080. At this time, the command system has been relatively complete.

(3) The third stage (1978-1984). This was the era of 16-bit microprocessors, and the representative product was the Intel 8086. Relatively speaking, it is relatively mature.

(4) The fourth stage (1985-1992). This is the era of 32-bit microprocessors, and the representative product is Intel 80386. It is already capable of multi-tasking and multi-user operations.

The 80486 processor released in 1989 implemented a 5-level scalar pipeline, marking the initial maturity of the CPU and the end of the development stage of traditional processors.

(5) The fifth stage (1993-2005). This was the era of the Pentium family of microprocessors.

In November 1995, Intel released the Pentium processor, which for the first time adopted a superscalar instruction pipeline structure and introduced out-of-order execution of instructions and branch prediction technology, which greatly improved the performance of the processor. Therefore , the superscalar instruction pipeline structure has been adopted by subsequent modern processors, such as AMD (Advanced Micro devices)'s Ryzen and Intel's Core series.

(6) The sixth stage (after 2005). Processors are gradually developing towards more cores and higher parallelism. Typical representatives include Intel's Core series processors and AMD's Ryzen series processors.

In order to meet the upper-layer work requirements of the operating system, modern processors have further introduced functions such as parallelization, multi-core, virtualization and remote management systems, which continue to promote the development of upper-layer information systems.

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