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New Concept English 新概念英语

New Concept English 新概念英语. 授课教师:李冰洋. Lesson29 30. 1 . air 名词词义:空气 动词词义:使 … . 通风 2. empty 形容词词义:空的 动词词义:倒空 put on 穿上 穿上你的大衣。 Put on your coat. take off 脱下 脱掉你的衬衣。 Take off your shirt. Lesson30. turn on 开 打开电视。 Turn on your television. turn off 关

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New Concept English 新概念英语

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  1. New Concept English新概念英语 授课教师:李冰洋

  2. Lesson29 30 1. air名词词义:空气 动词词义:使….通风 2. empty 形容词词义:空的 动词词义:倒空 • put on穿上 穿上你的大衣。 Put on your coat. • take off脱下 脱掉你的衬衣。Take off your shirt.

  3. Lesson30 • turn on开 打开电视。Turn on your television. • turn off关 关上龙头。Turn off the tap. 7. turn on与 open 的区别 8. turn off与 shut的区别

  4. Lesson30 B答案: Shut the → door/window Open the → door/window Put on your → shirt/shoes Take off your → shirt/shoes Turn on the → stereo/tap Turn off the →stereo/tap

  5. Lesson30 Sweep the →floor Clean the → blackboard Dust the → cupboard Empty the → cup Read this → magazine Sharpen these →knives

  6. Lesson31 • under 在…下面 • after 在…后面 • on 在…上面 • in 在…里面 • run after 追逐

  7. Lesson31 The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时态

  8. 对现在进行时态提问,表达“你现在在做什么”这句话的模式即为:对现在进行时态提问,表达“你现在在做什么”这句话的模式即为: What are you doing now? What + be (am is are)+主语+动词ing+其它

  9. 表示现在正在发生的动作或情况通常与单词now,at the moment 等词连用 主语+be (am is are)+动词ing+其它 I am doing my homework now. 我现在正在做我的作业

  10. The Present Continuous Tense 主语 be I am you are he / she/ it is we / they are

  11. What areyou doing now ? Iamworking What amI doing now ?Youareworking Whatishe/she/it doing ?He /she / itisworking What areyou doing ? Weare working Whatarethey doing ? Theyareworking

  12. What is the girl doing now? 主语+be (am is are)+动词ing+其它 She is watching TV now. 她现在正在看电视

  13. What are the boys doing now? 主语+be (am is are)+动词ing+其它 They are playing football now. 他们正在踢足球

  14. 在现在进行时态中,把实意动词转化为现在分词即动词的ing形式时应注意以下几点在现在进行时态中,把实意动词转化为现在分词即动词的ing形式时应注意以下几点 (1 ) 动词以单一的e字母结尾时,去掉e再加ing 例如: have→ having love → loving argue →arguing We are having a meeting now.

  15. 注意: 单词以ee结尾时,则直接加ing 例如:agree →agreeing see → seeing Nobody notes the thief, they are all seeing the beautiful scenery.

  16. (2)单音节动词中只有一个元音字母并以单一辅音字母结尾时,则先双写该辅音字母再加ing(2)单音节动词中只有一个元音字母并以单一辅音字母结尾时,则先双写该辅音字母再加ing 例如: hit →hitting run →running stop→stopping In this picture,Yingying isrunning.

  17. Lesson 32 练习A 1.He is opening the window. 2.She is sharpening the pencil. 3.She is dusting the cupboard. 4.She is emptying the basket. 5.He is looking at the picture.

  18. Lesson 32 练习B What is+人名/人称代词+doing? Is he/she+第二个词组? No,he/she isn’t+第二个词组 He /She is+第三个词组

  19. Lesson 33 1.家庭: family(名词) 家庭成员 home(副词) 家 house(名词) 房子 我有一个大家庭。 我们回家吧。 I have a big family. Let’s go home. 我有一所漂亮的房子。 I have a beautiful house.

  20. Lesson 34 练习A 1.typing 2.making 3.coming 4 shining 5.giving 练习B What are the +人称代词 doing? They are +第二个词组

  21. Lesson 35 介词on的使用 1. 在…上面 如:桌子上有一本书 。 There is a book on the desk. 2.在…方向 如:厨房左边有一台电灶。 There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. 3.附近 如:村庄靠近一条小河。 The village is on a river.

  22. Lesson 36 练习A 1. putting 2.sitting 3.running 练习B 1.Where is the man going? He is going into the shop. 2.Where is the woman going? She is going out of the shop.

  23. Lesson 36 练习B 3.Where is he sitting? He is sitting beside his mother. 4.Where are they walking? they are walking across the street. 5.Where are the cats running? They are running along the wall. 6.Where are the children jumping? they are jumping off the branch.

  24. Lesson 36 练习B 7.Where is the man standing? He is standing between two policemen. 8.Where is she sitting? She is sitting near the tree. 9. Where is it flying? It is flying under the bridge. 10. Where is the aeroplane flying? It is flying over the bridge.

  25. Lesson 36 练习B 11.Where are they sitting? They are sitting on the grass. 12. Where are the man and woman reading? They are reading in the living room.

  26. so much for today see you next week

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