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Show us your 38 special revolvers

7K views 35 replies 24 participants last post by  Rcope822 
#1 ·
I wonder how many of us may have shot the 38 special as their first center-fire revolver . . .I did as a teenager.

So lets show off some you may be proud of and why you like this particular revolver.


The model 64 on the left has a slick double action and because it does - this makes for some smooth shooting and despite the more powerful handguns I own, this snub nose is one I have confidence in.

As to the Colt, well it is a 357 magnum, of course 38 specials can also be used in this heavy Colt snub - but it doesn't have the smooth action of the model-64.
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#2 ·
Model 1902 First Change. 6 1/2" barrel. I like it because it is the finest original example I have ever found and it has hand fitted internals like a fine watch and absolute joy to shoot once or twice a year. The razor blade sights are hard to see but it is dead on with factory spec. wad-cutters at 25 yds. They really knew how to make them way back when.
Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun accessory

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun accessory
#4 ·
Smith and Wesson didn't know it at the time but this revolver was made for me. A natural fit.

#5 ·
Well since we're talking pristine examples.......well this one sure isn't. I couldn't resist buying this gun because even though it has absolutely no finish it fells as tight as a new gun. It shoots wonderfully too. Then the same compulsion forced me to buy the Nickel gun. It's far from perfect but original and un-molested. I guess I have a soft spot for neglected Smiths.


#6 ·
Series guy, I feel the same way about my 1924 Nickel.

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun accessory

Gun Firearm Revolver Trigger Gun accessory
#7 ·
1955 Smith & Wesson .38 Military & Police (4" Barrel) -
My least expensive gun, but close to being my favorite revolver!
I love its' classic looks and excellent handling in both single and double action. Gun Firearm Revolver Trigger Starting pistol
#8 ·
#9 ·
Yep, my first was the classic model 36. However I didn't know what I was getting into.

Games Signature

And now...

Furniture Room Safe
#10 ·
The 38 special was indeed the first center fire cartridge I ever shot from a handgun. Here are mine: Pre model 10, M64 and M638
Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun barrel
Gun Revolver Firearm Trigger Starting pistol
Gun Firearm Revolver Trigger Starting pistol
#11 · (Edited)
Some VERY NICE 38's, so far.

Here is my model-15 Combat Masterpiece.


This gun belonged to a good friend, a man who owned a small store in a remote settlement deep in the Blue Ridge. It was his store gun under his cash register. Now gun play was a way of life in those parts, 4 men were gunned down in an ambush on the front porch of his store. He had shot at a guy stealing in his store, he showed me the bullet-hole in the wall. He shook his head and told me he didn't lead the thief enough, when he was running for the door. When my friend passed I bought his Combat Masterpiece from his widow - he was a combat veteran of the Philippines in WW-2; one of the greatest generation.

5-screw K-38 Masterpiece.

#14 ·
I love my old Texan slapjack. Carried as a rookie back in the late 60's. Slapjck pocket sewen into the uniform pants behind the right thigh. That is "old school" impact weapon for sure.
#12 ·
#13 · (Edited)
Looks like this one is the 2nd 1955 Pre Model 10 (M&P) on this string.....

Firearm Gun Trigger Revolver Starting pistol

Firearm Gun Trigger Revolver Gun accessory

This M&P is a Post War Transitional with a long throw.....

Gun Revolver Firearm Trigger Starting pistol

Model 38 No-Dash.....

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Starting pistol
#15 ·
Many have past through my hands in the last 45+ years and these are all the .38 specials that remain.

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Starting pistol

Gun Firearm Revolver Everyday carry Trigger

Gun Firearm Revolver Trigger Starting pistol
#16 ·
Here are a few that I like. A 15-3 and luckily I have the box. A 67 no dash that is of course the 15 in stainless. Also a 14-2 that's a great shooter, and somehow that 19-3 got in the picture. Oh well she's a nice one and only gets 38's fed to her so maybe she's ok to be in the picture.


#18 ·
The first centerfire handgun I owned and shot was a .357 Dan Wesson 15-2, but I did primarily shoot .38 special ammo in it.

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Starting pistol

This 1973 vintage revolver was made in their Monson, Mass. factory.
#19 ·
There are a lot of nice guns here. My first center-fire to shoot was my Granddad's BO a S&W 32 Special from 1917. I do like the 38 special as is still powerful enough for self defense and very accurate. Just a lot of fun. So here are some of my favorites.
S&W 36-7
Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun accessory

Model 60
Firearm Gun Trigger Revolver Starting pistol

S&W 1905 4th change from 1918-19
Firearm Gun Trigger Revolver Gun accessory

and these two Colt Official Police of 1947 (Nickel) and 1936
Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Gun accessory
#20 ·
Nice pics everyone! Here is my one and only... Model 360. Got it locally. Added tritium big dot front sight and Altamont grips. Nice shooter!


#21 ·
The 38/44 HD was a step up for the police prior to the 357 magnum. This one dates from the mid 1930's; it has a 5-inch barrel.

#22 ·
Those are all some nice collections and selections!
#23 ·
Coupla Model 15's.....

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Starting pistol

Firearm Gun Revolver Trigger Starting pistol
#24 ·
Always had a preference for the model - TEN snub-nose.


#25 ·
Yep, I've always liked fixed sights too and the Model 10 snub is just right. This one was finished challenged, so I thought I'd see what a custom pinto 10 would look like........indeed, I like it (it's one of a kind).....

Gun Revolver Firearm Trigger Gun accessory

Gun Revolver Handgun holster Everyday carry Gun accessory
#26 · (Edited)
.38 special

This 10-5 is a favorite shooter :cool:

#27 ·
Short Action 5 Screws....

Hey Hank,

These two started out in Short Action 5 Screws...:cool:

Later, Mark


#28 ·
Here's a couple of fun ones

Revolver Gun Firearm Trigger Starting pistol
Gun Firearm Revolver Trigger Gun accessory
The Officers Model went to the Brits during the summer of 1940, converted to .380 MkII (.38 S&W), slightly counter bored and got a butt swivel. It shoots and ejects Specials just fine. The M&P Target from the 1930's suffered a slight barrel bulge, this was corrected by counter boring to .400 for about an inch. It too holds its own. I'll spare you the Victory Models this thread.
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