TREASURE Reveals Their MBTI Types And Goals For 2021

In a recent interview, TREASURE shared their MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality types and their goals for the year ahead!

Despite being a large group with 12 members, all of the TREASURE members fit into just five MBTI types. In their interview with Star News, Choi Hyun Suk and Mashiho revealed that they are both ENFP (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving), while Doyoung and Jihoon are both ENTJ (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging).

Five TREASURE members belong to the INFP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) type: Bang Ye Dam, Junkyu, Yoon Jae Hyuk, Asahi, and Yoshi. Haruto and Park Jeong Woo are both ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving), and So Jung Hwan is the lone INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging).

After revealing their MBTI types, the YG Entertainment rookies also talked about their hopes and goals for 2021.

When asked about the secret to their powerful live performances, Doyoung replied, “We practice until all 12 of us are satisfied. I think it’s a huge help that every time we practice, we take it seriously, as though it were a real performance!”

Yoshi chimed in, “We practice while imagining that we’re performing in front of our fans. If we do that, we find ourselves automatically gaining energy when we step on stage!” He added with a laugh, “That’s our secret to not feeling tired on stage, no matter how powerful our dance performance is.”

Yoshi went on, “Later, when the current situation improves and the day comes when we are able to perform in front of our fans, I want to give them a happy and unforgettable memory by filling our concert with performances that our fans will like. In order to put on the best possible performances on that day, I think it’s a given that we need to practice and prepare our skills.”

TREASURE is currently gearing up to make their official Japanese debut in March, and the idols expressed their excitement as they prepare to kick off a new chapter of their story.

Mashiho commented, “I’m extremely happy and excited that we’re finally making our official debut in Japan. Thank you so much for showing our ‘FIRST STEP’ series so much love even before our official debut!”

Haruto added, “I think it’d be great if we could all promote happily without any of our members getting hurt! I want to make many good memories with our TREASURE MAKERs [TREASURE’s official fandom]!”

Finally, looking towards the year ahead, Yoon Jae Hyuk remarked, “In 2021, I want to meet and communicate with our fans more often. We really gain so much strength from the love that our fans send us. In order to be able to repay that love, I want to show [our fans] even more new things this year!”

Junkyu agreed, “I want to greet our fans with better music and better things this year as well! I’d like to grow and improve into a cooler artist. In order to do that, I think health is really important! I hope that our TREASURE members and our fans will all always be healthy!”

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