Rahul Mehta
Azure SQL Server Database - Create New Database

Create an Azure SQL Database with built-in sample data

September 30, 2020 by

Azure SQL Server Database - Create New Database

In the first step, provide the subscription and resource group details. If it’s a brand new account, you may need to create a resource group first and select the same under which you may want to place this database.

Azure SQL Server Database - Basics

In the next step, we need to select a SQL Server that would host the database. In case, you do not have an existing SQL Server, you can create a new one by selecting New from the server option and providing server details as shown on the right side of the screen below.

Azure SQL Server Database

In the next step, you can opt to customize the SQL elastic pool and compute + storage settings or continue with the default.

Azure SQL Server Database

In the next step, provide the networking related details. If you may want to access this database instance over open internet from SQL Server Management Studio installed on your local machine, you may want to choose Public Endpoint as shown below. This is not recommended for any long-term, production or non-production grade installations. This option should be only considered for some quick testing. If you are choosing the public endpoint option, you may want to enable the Add current client IP address option as well, which will add your machine’s IP address to the network, to allow traffic from your local machine to the Azure SQL Server and SQL Database as well.

Azure SQL Server Database - Networking

Additional settings is the next section where we can make the configuration which will result in sample data getting pre-loaded in our SQL Database. The use existing data option would look as shown below with the value of None selected by default. This results in the creation of a blank database.

Azure SQL Server Database - Additional Settings

Change this setting and select the Sample option as shown below. You would notice that the Collation option would get disabled as the sample data requires a pre-selected collation. You can opt to customize the Advanced data security option or continue with the default option. Click on the Review + create button as we are now ready to create our new database.

Azure SQL Server Database - Additional Settings

You would be shown the final cost and details summary of the configuration. Verify the same and click on the Create button to start creating the database.

Azure SQL Server Database - Review and Create

Once the database is created, navigate to the database dashboard page and it would look as shown below.

Azure SQL Server Database - Dashboard

We expect that this database should already have the sample data. The fastest and easiest way to check this is by exploring the database using the Query Editor from the portal itself. Click on the Query Editor menu option in the left pane to navigate to the query editor.

Azure SQL Server Database - Query Editor

Provide the credentials that you configured when you created the SQL Server, under which your SQL Database is hosted. Once logged in, you should be able to see the sample tables under the SalesLT schema. This sample data contains entities like products, customers, orders and sales. Also, this data is inter-related with integrity constraints and is suitable to test most of the database related features.

Azure SQL Server Database - Sample Data

Shown below is the query output of a sample query executed on SalesLT.CustomerAddress table. All these tables contain at least a few hundred to couple thousand records, depending on your query logic and criteria.

Azure SQL Server Database - Query Result

Finally, if you intend to connect to this sample database from your locally installed SSMS to use this sample data and even export or download query results on your local machine, you can just click on the Connect button, provide the database endpoint as well as credentials, and you would be able to access the sample data as shown below.

Azure SQL Server Database - SSMS

In this way, we can create a database on Azure with built-in sample data, so developers can start testing out database features and perform acceptance testing easily.


In this article, we understood the need to have sample data in newly created databases, and the mechanism of creating a new Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and configuration settings that enable creating sample data right when the database gets created.

Azure, SQL Azure

About Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta is a Software Architect with Capgemini focusing on cloud-enabled solutions. He works on various cloud-based technologies like AWS, Azure, and others. He has worked internationally with Fortune 500 clients in various sectors and is a passionate author. View all posts by Rahul Mehta