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Accounting cycle java review

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Joanne Java Review School entered into the following transactions during October 2020: Oct 1. Java made additional investments of P50,000 in the business. 2. Bought liability insurance for one year, P14,500. 3. Received a bill for advertising from SouthMin News, P3,200. 4. Paid rent for the month, P8,900. 7 Received a bill for equipment repair from E. Hipolito, P2,880. 10 Received and deposited tuition from students, P62,500. 11 Received and paid the telephone bill, P2,300. 15 Bought chairs from E. Awayan Furniture, P18,800, paying P8,800 in cash and the balance on account. 18 Paid accounts to SouthMin News, P3,200. 21 Java withdrew P8,000 for personal use. 24 Received a bill for gas and oil from Mindanao Oil Corp., P1,800 25 Received and deposited tuition from students, P61,400. 27 Paid salaries of the office assistants, P12,000. 28 Bought a photocopier on account from Dadiangas Office Machines, P7,500. 29 Received P7,000 tuition from a student who had charged the tuition on account last month. 30 Received and paid the water utilities bill, P3,600. 31 Paid for flower arrangements for front office, P620. 31 Java invested personal computer, with a fair market value of P12,300, in the business. ANALYSIS OF TRANSACTION DATE ACCOUNT TITLES Cash Java, Capital CLASSIFICATION Assets Owner's equity EFFECT Increase Increase RECORDED Debit Credit 2 VR VPW Prepaid Insurance Cash Assets Assets Increase Decrease Debit Credit 3 VR VPW Advertising Expense Accounts Payable Expen ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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