
Rule34 Explained. Know Everything About Rule 34 Of Internet

The Internet is like an ocean where you keep finding unusual and bizarre things as you dive deeper. The content available on the internet is quite informative, helpful and great for learning something and there are also lots of websites for entertainment. There are thousands of websites where you can watch movies, get information about anything, watch tutorials to learn something, social sites for connecting with people all over the world, paying bills online, online shopping, and what not.

But when you search deeper and harder you may encounter with some really unusual and dark things. This kind of content can totally surprise and shock you. Rule 34 is one of them. But what is rule 34? What is all the hype about Rule34 of Internet?


Well, Rule34 is one of 4chan’s rules of the internet. There are some imaginary rules of the internet which tend to hold true in the online digital world. Rule 34 is pretty different and exciting for people and here is why. Below is everything you need to know about Rule34 and why it is so famous.

What is Rule34?

“If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.”

Yes, this is what rule34 of internet implies. Actually, rule34 says that if you can think about some things making out then there is surely p*rn out there on the internet of it. Meaning, if something exists or comes in your mind then there is a p*rn of it, for sure. So Rule34 is an imaginary rule of the internet according to which if something can be turned in p*rnography then there already is a p*rn of it. The rule doesn’t apply to only the living beings like humans, animals or birds but about each and everything exists whether its fictional or real. In short, if your search long enough on the internet then anything can be tied to sexual content according to rule 34 of the internet.

Examples Of Rule34

Well, if you didn’t get it properly then let’s get to know more about rule34 with some really interesting examples. Here are some of the best examples of rul34.

Star Wars Rule34


Bread version of rule34


Rule34 video game controls


Stross version rule34


Can you even imagine continents doing this (rule34)


Rule34 on a tomato


Hot Red  Bell paper 😉 (and the Credit goes to rule34)


Rule34 bizarre


Who Uses Rule34

With the above examples, you must have understood what rule34 actually means. But if you want more then the internet is the ocean and you can find millions of fishes there. After having a look at the examples of rule34, now let’s get to know who uses rule34 and where.

So, anyone who encounters unusual p*rnography or sexual content may label it under rule34. The content may include cartoons which are sexually strange. It can involve other things even vegetables and fruits. You must have seen the tomato in the above examples of rule34 which is in the shape of an a*s. Same way the red bell pepper with a female’s body or if anything shows some strange sexual thing or posture. You can search for anything on the internet under rule34.

You can even make rule34 pretty interesting and play games with your friends. People have invented rule34 games where each friend in the group will imagine some bizarre idea of pron then they will find it on the internet. And trust me, rule34 would never disappoint you.

Where does Rule34 come from?

Now that you have read about rule34, don’t you want to know where did it come from? What is the origin of rule34? I know that you surely wanna now this. Don’t worry I will tell you everything about rule34 and here is all about the origin of rule34.

It all started with Peter Morley-Souter when he posted a comic book on Zoom-Out website in 2004. the comic depicted a character who was surprised to Calvin and Hobbes p*rn on the internet. Then it didn’t take long for the comic to get it incorporated as one of 4chan’s Rules of the Internet. And after that, it released a huge series of sexually explicit images meant specifically to prove that Rule34 is correct. It depicted the sexual scenes with inanimate things like objects, giant robots, Tetris blocks, fruits, cartoon characters, gummy bears, and anything else you could possibly imagine.

So, this was all about rule34. Now you know what all the hype is about. It’s meaning, examples, and origin. And yeah, you can now search and find the most bizarre examples of rule34 to kill your time or to get surprised.

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